Targa Rules


Targa is just for fun.
The first, and most important rule of Targa is: Targa is just for fun.  The classing rules are designed to be laid back, the events are formatted to be easy to understand and the tone is intended to be light.  Failure to adhere to this, the first rule of Targa, puts each of these event virtues at risk.  Do your part, be safe, smart and have fun.

Team Eligibility
Each Targa team must have at least two drivers with valid driver’s licenses.  Drivers who are 16 and 17 years of age are eligible provided a minor waiver has been completed and at least one of their parents is on their team.  Only drivers with valid licenses are allowed to drive a vehicle in any of the Targa elements.

SCCA Membership
All Targa Participants must be SCCA members.  New SCCA membership may be purchased at time of Registration.

Vehicle Eligibility
Targa is an event for road going vehicles only. Vehicles must be road legal, plated and insured and must be driven from venue to venue. 

Convertible Policy
All convertible vehicles entered in Targa must have either documented factory rollover protection or an aftermarket roll bar that meets or exceeds the standards set in the 
SCCA Time Trials Safety Rules.

Tire Rules
Tires for Targa are limited to 200 treadwear rating and higher. Additionally, vehicles not modified beyond Time Trials Sport rules may run in the Targa Unlimited Class on the tires designated as original equipment by the manufacturer. Unless there is damage to a tire(s), teams must use the same set of tires for all track and autocross events.

Vehicle and Driver Safety 
All vehicles and drivers must adhere to the SCCA Time Trials Safety Rules.

Release and Waiver
Everyone at an SCCA event must sign a release and waiver form. Targa will only have one waiver for all elements. Teams must have completed the online annual waiver, or they will need to sign one when they check in. Guest and visitors must sign the waiver at time of facility entry.  For persons who are under 18 years old, or are bringing someone under the age of 18, a Minor Waiver must be used. The form is simple, it just needs to be signed by a parent/guardian. (Notary requirement waived if both parents are present to sign on site.)

Autocross Rules
With the exception of classing, the Autocross elements of Targa will operate within the SCCA Solo Rules. Any cones that are knocked over or out of the box will carry a 2 second penalty and drivers who do not complete the course will be scored with a "DNF." The team with the fastest lap time in each class will be awarded first place points.

Rally Rules
The Rally elements of Targa will operate within the Targa Rally Rules. Teams will be scored on how well they achieved the objectives, as opposed to how they ranked in the event. In other words, if everyone gets it all correct, everyone wins.

Track Rules
With the exception of the addition noted above, Rules and guidelines for the on-track elements of Targa are based upon the SCCA Time Trial Rules of the Track.  

Guests of participants as well as non-participating guests of the event are welcome, completely free of charge.  Guest may ride along with teams between events, provided there is appropriate seating in the vehicle.  

Camera/Drone Policy
The use of action cameras is allowed as long as the camera is solid-mounted. If using a suction-cup type of mount, you must have a secondary tether securing the camera in case the mount becomes loose.  Drones are not allowed at Targa events.

Alcohol and Substance Policy
Targa participants are strictly forbidden from consuming alcohol or other performance altering substances prior to completion of any on track or Rally activities.  This includes, but is not limited to, medication and prescriptions that expressly forbid operating vehicles or heavy machinery.

Event Authority
It is possible that weather or other conditions beyond control could result in changes in the overall Targa plan.  Likewise, there may be judgment calls, eligibility and classing decisions that need to be made.  Most importantly, the menu and beverage selections will need to be made for the Welcome Party and Saturday Night Cook-Out.  For all of these, and others like it, final authority of the event is held by the Targa Master, and decisions thereof are final and binding.