
Welcome to eMotorsports, where motorsport meets competitive gaming. Although the SCCA doesn't have a National eMotorsports program, many SCCA regions across the country host these types of events. Whether you're a seasoned sim racer or a curious enthusiast, these events offer an immersive experience on meticulously crafted digital replicas of real-world tracks.

From the iconic twists of Laguna Seca to the high-speed straights of Watkins Glen, virtual racers can test their skills without leaving home. Below is a list of SCCA regions that we know host eMotorsports events — so there's sure to be a community ready to welcome you into the fold. Whether you're just looking to get some virtual seat time, chasing podium finishes or seeking the thrill of competition, eMotorsports offers an electrifying experience with like-minded SCCA members and participants.