The 49th running of the Tire Rack SCCA Solo National Championships hosted 1,101 entries during a spectacular Sept. 6-9, 2022, event at Lincoln Airpark in Nebraska’s capital city. While to some that may seem so long ago as much of the country slogs through the final weeks of a harsh winter, our friends at Speedway Motors have again stepped up to help recall an event that was blessed with sunshine and good times on its way to crowning winners across 70 competition classes.
The annual Speedway Motors music video – which recounts the Tire Rack Solo National Championships vibe each year – Is a punchy, fast-paced, expertly edited presentation now available for viewing. As always, it rocks – and it does an amazing job displaying the cars, the people, the challenge, the excitement, and the general kick-butt atmosphere found at Solo Nationals. There are orange cones flying, colorful vehicles sliding, and tons of smiles at an event that gets enthusiasts off the sidelines and into the action.
“Back to the Eighties” was the Solo Nationals theme in 2022, and Speedway Motors captures a bit of that fun, quirky concept in its video that is just a touch over four minutes in length. Check out the presentation below to witness the attendees and cars that made the cut.
And while you’re at it, start making plans to be at the 50th Tire Rack SCCA Solo National Championships in 2023 – and also remember that the 2023 Tire Rack SCCA ProSolo Series and Tire Rack SCCA Solo National Tour seasons are not far off.