Each week, from now until Nationals, Brian will be sending out a weekly e-blast with updates on the 47th Tire Rack SCCA Solo Nationals. The contents of these e-blasts will also be posted to the Solo Nationals event page at SCCA.com. Please take 5-10 minutes each week to read through everything. By doing so you will be well prepared to have a week of fun at Solo Nationals! Let’s get started:
- Cancellation Fee
From the time registration opened until the open of business on August 5, the cancellation fee is $50. When the office opens (8 am central) on August 5, that fee will rise to $100 (resulting in a $95 refund). If you know there is no way you will be able to make it to the event, please send an email to bharmer@scca.com that you need to cancel prior to the late fee change date/time.
- Class Changes
PLEASE be sure to update your registration as soon as you know of a class change OR if you are not currently registered in the correct class. This ensures first, that you are in the correct place and you will not have to make a change on site in Lincoln and your check-in process will be quicker. Secondly, this also ensures that the run/work order split between courses and heats is more accurate which is imperative to event flow.
- Car/Number/Car Information
Be sure to update your car number and/or car information. We know it was a mad scramble to get registered this year and some vehicles may have been chosen in haste. Now that you have a spot in the event, please be sure that the vehicle you are registered in is the vehicle you will be running. This ensures that you do not have to make any changes on-site in Lincoln and your on-site check-in process will be quicker.
- Mailing Address
Just like the past few years, the trophies at Nationals (not a box this year) will be handed out without the names on them. The plates will be mailed out after the event. With that, we use the address that your MSR account has in it. Please login to your account and check that your address is current to ensure there are no delays in getting your engraved plate to put on your trophy.
- SCCA Membership
Per Solo rules 4.2.B all competitors at the Solo National Championship must be an annual or lifetime member (no weekend memberships allowed). During the second attempt of Tier 2 registration, MSR turned off membership verification to help the servers not get as bogged down. We are showing several entrants that have expired or soon-to-be expired memberships. Please make sure to log in to scca.com or call member services (1-800-770-2055) to renew your membership.
- New Items in Supplemental Regulations
There are a few items new to the Nationals supplemental regulations in 2019.
You can find the supps on the event page here: https://www.scca.com/events/1992935-2019-tire-rack-solo-national-championship
Some notes of the new items are:
- 3.9 - If you can’t remove items used in paddock and/or they won’t travel with you from/to home, such as but not limited to: seating, storage, or shelter those items must be disposed OFF SITE. DO NOT DROP or LEAVE any of these items in the onsite trash bins or next to them.
- 3.10 - If you jack a vehicle on asphalt, you MUST have wood under the jack, jack stands and anything else that might damage the pavement.
- 4.13 - No car can be sent from Grid to start a run as of 30 minutes prior to officially published sunset from the National Weather Service at Lincoln AirPark. The only exception is for cars that are already on a mechanical delay, which may complete their mechanical and take their run.
- 4.14 - If a set of runs is started, but not completed by all drivers in a class prior to the hard stop time, only the run sets that have been completed by all competitors of that class will be scored. EXAMPLE: All competitors of a class have completed 2 runs, but only 50% of the competitors completed their 3rd runs. All competitors of that class are then only scored on their first 2 runs.