Efrain Diaz built up his dazzling, yellow, ‘69 Camaro over time. Along the way, he worked equally hard to improve his driving skills, too, and competes today in SCCA’s CAM class at autocross events.
A recent blog post at RideTech’s website notes that the Sports Car Club of America® has given Classic American Muscle (CAM) enthusiasts a truly national playground, as well as a formal yardstick with which to measure their cars’ performance. Cars like Diaz’ ‘69 Camaro compete in the CAM-T class, with the “T” standing for “Traditional.”
“Efrain Diaz is thrilled to have a multitude of competition events at his disposal. He recently placed fourth in CAM-T at the SCCA® San Diego CAM Challenge,” the RideTech blog post states. “Just last weekend, Efrain was back racing in California at the NMCA/SCCA Tire Rack ProSolo® double header, where he finished third in CAM-T.”
Read more about Diaz’ efforts here.
Photo: Efrain Diaz, in his yellow ’69 Camaro, readies for Tire Rack ProSolo competition.
Photo Credit: Anthony Porta