The RallyCross Safety Steward Online Course is required for initial training to become a RallyCross Safety Steward and also serves as continuing education for license renewal.

To request access to the online training, email with your name, membership number, and a statement of interest in taking the RallyCross Safety Steward course.

Steps to Obtain a RallyCross Safety Steward License

First-Time Applicants:

  1. Request access to the online training by emailing
  2. Complete the RallyCross Safety Steward online training.
  3. Shadow a certified Safety Steward at two (2) events within a 12-month period.
  4. Complete the RallyCross Safety Steward Application Form (including approval signature from a Divisional RallyCross Safety Steward).
    • Divisional RX Safety Steward List CLICK HERE (MAP Login Required)
  5. Submit the completed application to

Renewal Requirements:

    1. If your license is active, you automatically have access to the online training.
    2. Complete the RallyCross Safety Steward online training.
    3. Serve as a Safety Steward at three (3) events within a 3-year period.
      • Events can be logged in the Member Account Portal (MAP) or on application
    4. Complete the RallyCross Safety Steward Application Form (renewal section)
    5. Submit the completed application to the Divisional RallyCross Safety Steward for approval signature and the Divisional RallyCross Safety Steward will submit the approved application to 
      • Divisional RX Safety Steward List CLICK HERE (MAP Login Required)

    RallyCross Safety Steward Application

    For more details on the Safety Steward Online Courses, check out this article below!

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