Harold W.

Harold W.

Just joined today! Looking forward to connecting with some new people - updated
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racing and spending time with family & friends
working with my hands and working on my personal cars
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stevie wonder
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atlanta motor speedway
About me:

I'm a simple man with a love for racing and sportscars.

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Harold W.

Harold W. posted the photo album Dream Car

Harold W.

Harold W. liked the profile status Just joined today! Looking forward to connecting with some new people

Just joined today! Looking forward to connecting with some new people Comment
Harold W.

Harold W. updated his profile

Harold W.

Harold W. became friends with Chris J Kern

Chris J Kern
Harold W.

Harold W. updated his profile status

Just joined today! Looking forward to connecting with some new people Comment
Harold W.

Harold W. replied to the forum post Writing Master

I thought this forum was about sport cars?......Read more
Harold W.

Harold W. updated his profile

Harold W.

Harold W. posted a comment on the blog post Hello all

I'm new here too.  Hello!......Read more
Harold W.

Harold W. updated his profile

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