March is Packed with National Solo Competition – Here’s How to Join In

There are, fellow reader, three (!) significant Tire Rack SCCA® National Solo® events coming up this month – and in true Old Farmer’s Almanac fashion, the month comes in like a lamb but out like a lion.

The first couple of weekends of March might be quiet, but that all changes on March 21-23. Both the East Coast (with the Tire Rack SCCA Red Hills Solo National Tour) and the West Coast (with the Tire Rack SCCA Las Vegas ProSolo I) take place that weekend. Then the west side connection will barely have time to breathe before everyone hits the ground for Vegas part II just a week later on March 28-30.

It’s a busy run, but here are some things to look out for:

Georgia on our Mind: March 21-23

Spence Field in Moultrie, GA, has been a popular sight for the traditional early-season Tire Rack SCCA Red Hill Solo National Tour hosted by Red Hills Region. Though it’s gone by a couple of names in the past, the event remains popular with just over 200 drivers already on the entry list.

The event is led, currently, by C Street’s packed 19 entries. Just as impressively, 23 drivers have taken advantage of the Starting Line Driver’s Edge program – the big brother/big sister style program where veterans take new Solo National Tour attendees under their wings for the weekend, all at no additional charge.

The event’s entry cap has yet to be hit – but it’s getting close, so you’ll want to enter as soon as possible. You’ll also want to enter prior to March 18 because after that, the $145 online entry fee jumps to $175 when you’re on site.

Red Hills Solo Nat Tour

Vegas…and the Remix: March 21-23 & 28-30

Some – especially those who can’t make it to the event – might ask: Why are there two Las Vegas ProSolos on back-to-back weekends? That comes with an easy answer…

There’s never too much ProSolo!

Las Vegas Motor Speedway provides a spectacular site for ProSolo, both for competition and for the views. While competitors line upside-by-side for their runs, the planes from Nellis Air Force Base often buzz overhead. And when we say “planes,” we mean the baddest fighters around, including F-15s, F-16s, and F-35s.

And it’s not unheard of to learn that one of those jets was piloted by an SCCA autocrosser.

Back to the ProSolos: You’ll find one on March 21-23 and the other on March 28-30. If you’re looking for ProSolo fun or you want to maximize your ProSolo Championship Series points early in the season, Vegas is a can’t miss.

Need more reasons to go? We have millions (OK, we have thousands) in the form of contingency prizes available. Hawk, Falken, EBC Brakes, Vitour, Hoosier, Mazda, Toyota, all offering contingency prizes through the event. You’ll want to check out the contingency qualifications – and please do so before the event starts, as you’ll need to pre-register.

Vegas ProSolo March 21-23     Vegas ProSolo March 28-30

Don’t Forget April!

We’re looking at March, but April is just around the corner – so take a look at the calendar and those upcoming events!

National Solo events that are nearing include the Tire Rack SCCA ProSolo at Atlanta Motor Speedway (April 4-6) and at Crows Landing (April 25-27). Then there’s the Tire Rack Solo National Tours in South Texas (April 11-13) and Oklahoma (April 25-27).

Find the one that fits your schedule and register before they hit the cap!

Solo Nat Tour Schedule     ProSolo Schedule

Photo by Taylour Wargo