(Before we get started, please forgive us. The theme of the 2024 Tire Rack SCCA® Solo® National Championships is “Welcome to the Wild Wild West,” and while the event is still a handful of months away, we’re method actors…)
Well, partner, here's the lowdown on the Sept. 3-6, 2024, Tire Rack SCCA® Solo® National Championships in Lincoln, NE: If you're fixin' to join the shindig, you best get yourself registered.
Now, the way this here registration works is there are three tiers. Tier 1 was for last year's National Champs, 2024 event chiefs, and the 100 Percenters. Them lucky cowpokes got their shot to sign up on June 11. Tier 2 registration started on June 18 and was for the 2023 podium winners (the top three trophy holders in each class), 2023 class winners (including supplemental and undersubscribed classes), and the Silver Circle folks (the ones who've saddled up for the Solo National Championships 25 times or more). If you were part of these first two groups, chances are you knew it and have already hitched your wagon to the event.
If you weren’t part of the first two, don’t get your ropes in a knot because there’s ample space for the rest of us.
Tier 3 registration throws open the saloon doors on June 25 at 3 p.m. CT. The rule for this tier is as simple as a cowboy's dream: If you didn't qualify for Tier 1 or 2, this one's for you. So saddle up and get ready to ride!
Speaking of the ride, before you jump on your horse at the event and make your National Championship runs, you’ll want to sign up for the event’s Test & Tune. Registration for that is already open.
Now, cowboy, there are a few other dates you oughta keep in mind. Come July 31 at 12:01 a.m. CT, the entry fee for the event jumps to $325, and if you register at that price, there ain't no refunds. July 31 is also the date when the cancellation fee goes up to $100 for those who registered before July 31 and cancel between July 31 and Aug. 30.
Mark your calendar for Aug. 26 at 3 p.m. CT, because that's when online registration shuts its doors. And if you're lookin' to cancel and get a refund, minus the $100 cancellation fee, you better do it by Aug. 30 at 7 p.m. CT if you registered before July 31.
Put another way: With more than 1,000 autocrossers expected to register for this year’s event (and considering it’s not unheard of for the Solo Nats to sell out), it’s time to break out those chaps and sign up fast, because time's a-tickin'.
Tell Me More I'm In! Register Now!
Dress the Part
Speaking of chaps, the 2024 Solo Nats merch store doesn’t sell those, but it does offer items that are just as awesome. You’ll need a t-shirt for each day of the event, so we recommend purchasing at least two. Want more? We’ve got enough selection to outfit you for the entire week, if that’s what you’re hankerin’ for.
Chaps can be purchased elsewhere.
Photo by Jon Krolewicz