Ornithologists know crows are raucous, congregate in groups, and are pretty darn smart. Strangely, the same can be said of SCCA® autocrossers, especially when it comes to Crows Landing events in California.
Be it an SCCA ProSolo or Solo® National Tour, autocrossers are similarly boisterous, fly around cones in organized groups, and smart ones know to sign up quick for the April 19-21, 2024, Tire Rack SCCA Crows Landing ProSolo; as well as the April 26-28, 2024, Tire Rack SCCA Crows Landing Solo National Tour one weekend later at the same site.
Crows Landing is a two birds, one venue gift from SCCA. For ProSolo folks west of the Rockies, pile on some points in California before placing a cherry on top during July’s Tire Rack SCCA Packwood ProSolo in Washington.
For SCCA’s Solo National Tour flock, why not double up on the fun at Crows Landing with a ProSolo adventure first? Otherwise, you’ll have to wait until July for the next West Coast SCCA Solo National Tour stop at Hampton Mills in Washington – and waiting’s no fun.
Looking for trailer storage between the two events at Crows Landing? For around $120, Modesto RV & Storage has secured and covered storage available about 30 minutes from the site. Give them a call at (209) 616-7171 to make arrangements.
Soar in now and swoop up a spot at both Crows Landing ProSolo and Crows Landing Solo National Tour events. Lay an egg on this opportunity and no #funwithcars will hatch until July.
For those readers who hate puns, sincere apologies for the above paragraphs.
Crows Landing ProSolo Crows Landing National Tour
Photo by Danny Gross