Bump classes are a familiar aspect of competition in the Tire Rack SCCA ProSolo Series, but this year, the concept gets an exciting boost, with the result being improved competition and camaraderie among female drivers during select Tire Rack SCCA Solo National Tour events.
Based on overwhelming positive feedback received from the SCCA Women on Track survey that went out in December 2022, SCCA Women on Track and the SCCA will be testing Ladies Bump classes starting at the March 10-12, 2023, Tire Rack SCCA Red Hills Solo National Tour at South Georgia Motorsports Park in Adel, GA.
The new Ladies Bump classes are intended to group competition for Ladies classes sporting fewer than five entries, with the Bump classes not necessarily offered at every stop during the 2023 Tire Rack SCCA Solo National Tour.
How It Works
Ladies classes running 200-plus treadwear tires will run in one heat, with Ladies classes equipped with faster tires competing in a separate heat. Any Ladies class with fewer than five entries within a heat will shift to a single Ladies Bump Index class within the same heat, with those drivers competing together on the Index (Ladies Street Index, etc.).
In this format, race tires and street tires will never be shifted into a Bump class together, and worker assignments/heats will not change based on bumping. In some cases, if there is a large Ladies class with minimal risk of bumping, it may be placed in a separate heat to help the balance when the Open class runs. Either way, best efforts will be made to have Open and/or Ladies class drivers off while their codrivers run, but in the case of a smaller event, this may not always be possible.
Ladies Bump classes will be eligible for contingency based on the total Bump class size, and yearend Solo National Tour points awards will be calculated based on the results of the individual (non-Bump) class result, as is done in ProSolo competition.
The Ladies Bump classes will be piloted at the South Georgia, Las Vegas, and Crows Landing Solo National Tours. Updates may be made based on feedback and experience from each pilot event, and the decision will be made at that time whether to offer Ladies Bump classes at the remainder of the Solo National Tours during the 2023 season.
Don’t Miss The Red Hills Solo National Tour
Registration for the Tire Rack SCCA Red Hills Solo National Tour at South Georgia Motorsports Park is now open, with an online signup deadline of 3 p.m. Central time on March 7. The entry fee is $145 when completed online, rising to $175 for on-site registration. Event Supplemental Rules will be posted by 8 a.m. local time on March 9.
The event also features the free Starting Line Driver’s Edge program and a $125 Evo Advantage Driving School. It should be noted that participation is limited to 24 drivers in each of these two programs.
The event schedule, registration, and other information for the Tire Rack SCCA Red Hills Solo National Tour is available through the link below.
Photo by Rupert Berrington