As the SCCA Rally and Solo programs return to action following the unforeseen COVID-19 shutdown, familiar faces will continue to have a hand in the program’s operation and leadership.
The Rally and Solo programs remain under the SCCA Operations department overseen and managed by Chief Operations Officer Eric Prill. Heyward Wagner has accepted an interim role as Director of Rally/Solo to assist with program strategies and development. Wagner will also maintain his role as Director of Marketing and Experiential Programs.
On the National Series side, the familiar faces of Howard Duncan and Brian Harmer will remain integral throughout the course of events. Duncan will continue to manage and implement the Tire Rack National Solo program, while Harmer’s duties as Rally/Solo Program Manager allow him to continue as the point staff person for Road Rally and RallyCross while also assisting Solo competitors with technical service, registration and event questions.
Back in the National office, Jamie Mullin (Assistant Manager, Administration) and Stephanie Perry (Administrative Assistant, Operations) will continue their support of sanction and insurance requests, filing and assistance.
As always, Regions seeking answers to questions, advice or guidance on their programs will turn to Rick Myers (Senior Manager, Region Services) and his Region Services team.
“The COVID-19 pandemic has prompted us to re-evaluate the way the we conduct business in 2020,” SCCA President and CEO Mike Cobb said. “The team is lean but focused on providing the best member experience possible. Bringing Heyward over ‘on loan’ from the Marketing/Experiential side will help us through 2020 and into 2021, when we can look at potentially expanding the department once again.”
The Tire Rack National Solo Program is back in action this week with the Tire Rack Charlotte ProSolo, Friday and Saturday June 19 and 20.
More information on the Charlotte ProSolo can be found on the event page.