LINCOLN, Neb. (Sept. 7, 2009) The 37th running of the Tire Rack® SCCA Solo National Championships begins Tuesday, Sept. 8, at the Lincoln Airpark in Nebraskas capital city. The change in venue has attracted close to 1,200 for four days of autocross competition. Solo, SCCAs version of autocross, is a competition where drivers compete against the clock on a course laid out with pylons. There are two courses, and a drivers best aggregate time from both courses determines the winner. Drivers who move or knock over a pylon receive a two second penalty to their time for that run. The Solo National Championships are the culmination of the SCCA Solo season. Though there are numerous National, Divisional and Regional Solo events throughout the year, the Solo National Championships are a winner-takes-all format. Class winners are declared 2009 National Champions. Additionally, several drivers have a chance to win the new SCCA Solo Triad Award. To earn the award, a driver must win a Divisional Championship, Eastern or Western States Championship and National Championship all in the same class. The Lincoln Airpark is the largest site ever used for the Solo National Championships with enough space for two Championship courses as well as a Test and Tune course. All three courses, designed by San Francisco Regions Chris Cox and Colorado Regions Michael Feldpush, are laid out on smooth, grippy concrete. The class run schedule for the week is as follows: Tuesday/Wednesday AM, AML CP,CPL CS,CSL CSP,CSPL DP,DPL DSP,DSPL ES,ESL FJA FJB FM,FML FP,FPL FS,FSL FSAE,FSAEL HS,HSL SM,SML SMF/SMFL SS,SSL SSM,SSML ST, STL
Thursday/Friday AS,ASL ASP,ASPL BM/BML BS,BSL BSP,BSPL CM/CML DM,DML DS,DSL EM,EML EP,EPL ESP,ESPL F125,F125L FSP,FSPL GP,GPL GS,GSL STS/STSL STU,STUL STX,STXL XP,XPL The Lincoln community has welcomed the Solo National Championships with open arms and will keep participants entertained all week with a Welcome Party on Monday evening at the Smith Collection Museum, plus Lincoln Night on the Town, Tuesday and Thursday evenings. Local activities supplement the Tire Rack® Awards Ceremonies, which will be held on Wednesday and Friday night. News and results from the 2009 Tire Rack SCCA Solo National Championships will be posted as they become available at www.scca.com/solo.