TOPEKA, Kan. (Nov. 6, 2009) The Sports Car Club of America has released schedules for the 2010 Tire Rack® SCCA Solo National Tour and the Tire Rack SCCA ProSolo National Series.The 2010 Tire Rack Solo National Tour makes stops at all the classic autocross destinations. For the third year in-a-row, the Tire Rack Solo National Tour will begin with the Dixie Tour in Georgia. The Texas Tour is slated for the following weekend, though the location is still to be determined with three sites currently in the running. After stops in San Diego and then Wendover for the Western States Championship, the Tour makes the first of two visits to the popular Arkansas Aeroplex in Blytheville for the Eastern States Championship. Through the summer months, the Tour travels to Peru, Ind., Romulus, N.Y., and Packwood, Wash., which all offer excellent site seeing and the potential to include a family vacation in ones Solo competition plans. Soloists will have the month of August off to prepare for the 2010 Tire Rack Solo National Championships, which return to Nebraska and the Lincoln Airpark, Sept. 7 10. The 2010 season concludes with a return to Blytheville for the Tri-State Tour.The 2010 Tire Rack ProSolo National Series also sticks with the classics, beginning April 17 18 at El Toro Airfield in California. Taking place at Lincoln Airpark, Round Two will serve as excellent practice for the Finale, as the course size will be expanded from last years to the full area used for the Finale. The ProSolo National Series will piggyback on the Solo National Tour for Round Three at Wendover and Round Four at Blytheville, competing on the weekends immediately following the National Tour dates. The ProSolo at Blytheville will once again be a part of the local custom car show that benefits the American Cancer Society. It is the one event all year with a 90-minute break built into the schedule to allow participants to visit the show and fair festivities. Next, the ProSolo Series heads to Washington D.C. for its stop at FedEx Field, though the date remains tentative until the Redskins make final confirmations on Jan. 1. The ProSolo Series will set up in Packwood, Wash., the weekend preceding the National Tour event at Hampton Mills, another site with plenty of local support. The season wraps up with a return to Lincoln for the ProSolo Finale at the Lincoln Airpark on Sept. 4 5.This is the earliest weve ever released a National Solo schedule, SCCA VP of Rally, Solo and Special Programs Howard Duncan said. We wanted to give the Divisions and Regions plenty of time setting the calendar for their Tire Rack Divisional Championship events and major regional events.2010 Tire Rack® SCCA Solo National Tour ScheduleMarch 13 - 14 Dixie National Tour South Georgia Motorsports Park Cecil, Ga.March 20 - 21 Texas National Tour TBDApril 10 - 11 San Diego National Tour Quallcom Stadium San Diego, Calif.May 15 - 16* Western States Championship Wendover Airport Wendover, UtahMay 29 - 30 Eastern States Championship Arkansas Aeroplex Blytheville, Ark.July 3 - 4 Peru National Tour Grissom Aeroplex Peru, Ind.July 10 - 11 Finger Lakes National Tour Seneca Army Depot Romulus, N.Y.Aug. 7 - 8 Packwood Tour Hampton Mills Packwood, Wash.Sept. 7 - 10 Solo National Championships Lincoln Airpark Lincoln, Neb.Oct. 23 - 24 Tri-State Tour Arkansas Aeroplex Blytheville, Ark.2010 Tire Rack® SCCA ProSolo Series ScheduleApril 17 - 18 Round One El Toro Airfield Irvine, Calif.May 1 - 2 Round Two Lincoln Airpark Lincoln, Neb.May 22 - 23 Round Three Wendover Airport* Wendover, UtahJune 5 - 6 Round Four Arkansas Aeroplex Blytheville, Ark.June 19 - 20* Round Five FedEx Field Largo, Md.July 17 - 18 Round Six Toledo Express Airport Toledo, OhioJuly 31 Aug. 1 Round Seven Hampton Mills Packwood, Wash.Sept. 4 - 5 Round Eight Lincoln Airpark ProSolo National Series Finale Lincoln, Neb.* - TentativeFor more information on the Tire Rack SCCA Solo National program, click the orange "Solo" tab at the top of the page.