Camaro Paul

Camaro Paul

Getting ready for a season of track night events.... Camaro is ready to go... - updated
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I was going to go out as a novice and I don't own a helmet and (Boo for Pocono) did not have a loaner to use, so instead of using the Toyota rental car the KONI Novice coach had we used my 2018 Camaro 1LT for a pace car and I was able to get some video of the event from my car.  He drove my car, I guess I'm not qualified to do this yet. It's unofficial, but I guess I now own a Pace Car used at Pocono Raceway!  I've rode in the pace cars at Thompson and Lime Rock and now I can say Pocono and I've done some flagging and grid work too.  It's still #FUNWITHCARS and you make great friends at these events and see some amazing cars! It's not a race and it's a great time and you get a performance driving experience! 

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