Washington DC Region April Majors @ Summit Point Motorsports Park
- April 23, 2022 to April 24, 2022
- RoadRacing, Regional Race, Majors
Date: April 23, 2022 to April 24, 2022
Summit Point Motorsports Park
201 Motorsports Park Cir, Summit Point, WV, 25446-3715
Drivers utilizing the Pro Qualification Path for the 2022 SCCA Runoffs that meet GCR section 3.7.4. may now purchase their U.S. Majors Tour substitute event entries to round out your 2022 Runoffs eligibility on SCCA.com. Credit for substitute entries is only available through this system. Substitute entry purchases must be made by September 13, 2022 and are non-refundable and non-transferable. If you enter a region’s race and do not show up, that WILL NOT count as a substitute entry and you will not receive credit toward Runoffs qualification.
Drivers using the Pro Path must purchase a substitute entry for each Pro event weekend they are counting. If a driver competes in 2 Majors weekends and 1 Pro eligible weekend, purchase 1 Majors Substitute Entry. If a driver competes in 1 Majors weekend and 2 Pro eligible weekends, purchase 2 Majors Substitute Entries. Drivers can not purchase a substitute entry for an event they participated in.
Summit Point Motorsports Park
201 Motorsports Park CirSummit Point, WV 25446-3715