2016 Tire Rack Crossroads Showdown
- June 17, 2016 to June 19, 2016
- Match Tour
Event Registration will open up on May 4 at 3pm central.
The entry cap for this event is 200- This cap does not include Formula Junior drivers.
Entry fee for this event is $80 for adults and $60 for Junior classes.
Event Schedule
7 am Site Opens
7:30 am Tech Inspection & Check-In for Starting Line Students
7:50 am Starting Line Drivers Meeting
8:05 am Starting Line Morning Session
9 am EVO Advantage Students meet at Test n Tune Course
9:15 am EVO Advantage Drivers Meeting (ALL Students must report)
9:30 - 12 pm EVO Advantage Instruction
12 pm EVO Advantage Wrap-Up
12 pm Starting Line Lunch Break
12:30-4 pm Event Test n Tune w/ Starting Line Priority Line
4:15 pm Starting Line Wrap-Up
3-7pm* Event Check-In & Tech Inspection*
5-7pm Course Open for Walking
7:10 pm Chiefs Meeting
*No new entries after 7 pm
6:30 am Site Opens
6:45-7:30am Check-In & Tech Inspection for pre-register entrants only
8 am Course closed for walking
8 am Novice meeting at Start Line
8:10 am Heat 1 to Grid, Worker Check-In
8:30-5pm* Session 1 & 2 Competition
5:30pm* Awards Party- Class Competition trophies
5:30-7:30pm* Course open for walking
* Approximate
6:30 am Site Opens
7:25 am Course closed for walking
7:45 am Heat 1 to Grid, Worker Check-In
8 am Session 3 begins
12:30pm* Session 4- Challenge Competition
All registrations that need to cancel by Monday prior to the event need to provide a note in writing to Brian Harmer (bharmer@scca.com) and will receive a partial refund.
Grenada Municipal Airport
LD Boone Airport RDGrenada, MS 38901