Halloween has barely spooked by, with Thanksgiving gobbling its way ever closer while the holidays sled into view over the horizon, yet here we are to tell you more about something taking place Jan. 16-24, 2025, on an internet-connected device near you – and for free! That’s right, the free-to-attend 2025 SCCA® National Convention will be upon us sooner than any of us would like to believe, and the SCCA Staff is furiously prepping. Here’s what we’ve been up to.
As we teased not long ago, the theme of the 2025 virtual National Convention is “Invite.” It’s one thing to educate Club members on the goings-on within the organization, but it’s quite another to invite everyone to join the fun. It’s engaging conversations that accelerate the growth of the Club, allowing everyone to spread motorsports joy all year long.
Nominate Someone
Speaking of inviting, the SCCA Member of Excellence award will be presented at the SCCA National Convention, and that requires nominations from you!
The Club is inviting SCCA members to nominate someone for this special award through Monday, Nov. 18, 2024, with the winner being announced at the 2025 SCCA National Convention. In addition to praise and recognition, the winner also receives a trip to any motorsport event of their choosing, with an expense cap of $5,000.
Nominate for Member of Excellence
Hall of Fame Celebration
Also taking place during the SCCA National Convention is the SCCA Hall of Fame Induction Ceremony, which aids in kicking off the Convention.
This year, the contributions of three individuals, two brothers, and one couple will be celebrated during the online SCCA Hall of Fame ceremony – this is a can’t-miss event, and just like the SCCA National Convention, it’s free to watch.
Convention Dates to Know
Registration for the virtual 2025 SCCA National Convention begins on Dec. 2, 2024, and as we alluded to, it will set you back the hefty sum of zero dollars. Then on Dec. 16, we’ll unveil the event’s schedule.
Don’t stress about remembering these dates, though, as we’ll be back in touch with more info.
Must-Attend Div Cons
We’ll also let you know more details about the Divisional Conventions taking place in the coming year. Namely:
- Jan. 24-25, 2025: Southeast Division, St. Simons Island, GA
- Feb. 8, 2025: Rocky Mountain Division, virtual
- Feb. 14-16, 2025: Midwest Division, Independence, MO
- Feb. 21-22, 2025: Northeast Division, Scranton, PA
- Feb. 28-Mar. 1, 2025: Great Lakes Division, Fort Wayne, IN
- Mar. 15, 2025: Central Division, Milwaukee, WI
What’s Next?
Your job right now is to scarf down those Halloween candies to make room for Thanksgiving turkey and desserts – then keep an eye on SCCA.com for more information about the upcoming 2025 SCCA National and Divisional Conventions.
Image by Crissa