To say that the United States RoadRally Challenge® is the top stop on the Divisional and National SCCA® RoadRally calendar would be both accurate and unfair. From Press on Regardless to Son of Sno* Drift and more, SCCA RoadRally has numerous historic and top-tier annual events that push drivers and navigators to the brink. That said, you always want the United States RoadRally Challenge (USRRC) on your calendar – and this year is no different.
Unlike many of those other fantastic RoadRallies, the USRRC rarely takes place in the same geographic vicinity year after year. Rather, the USRRC traverses the nation, allowing host SCCA Regions to put their own flair on a classic. In the past, this event has been held in the Pacific Northwest, the East Coast, the Mid-West, and even Alaska. And for 2024, USRRC competitors will be heading to Southern California.
This isn’t the first time the USRRC has taken place in SoCal. Previously hosting this event in 2004, 2011, and 2015, Cal Club Region knows what it takes to challenge teams.
Taking place Nov. 9-11, the 2024 USRRC will call Hampton Inn and Suites (2300 W Double Play Way, Lancaster, CA 93536) its headquarters, with a pair of Tour RoadRallies and one Course rally.
Nov. 9: Thunder Road National Tour Rally
Thunder Road is an eight-hour rally through a scenic course with plenty to keep both driver and navigator busy throughout. The Monte Carlo format will include CZT at all restarts and checkpoints, and creeping/stopping will be allowed. Rallymaster Joe Akerman has set the finish of Thunder Road near the start, so you'll have plenty of time to refresh ahead of day two.
Nov. 10: Stagecoach National Tour Rally
Stagecoach is a six-hour rally through the local canyons and backroads. Teams will utilize the flying restart truncate, and rallymaster Larry Scholnick has made sure all checkpoints will be identified in the Route Instructions. Stagecoach will also finish near the start in preparation for the final day’s RoadRally.
Nov. 11: Highway Robbery National Course Rally
Highway Robbery is a six-hour RoadRally exploring exciting and picturesque driving roads. Rallymaster Jeanne English has set this to be a moderately challenging course with the use of variable main road determinants. This final rally of the weekend will finish some distance south of the start, towards the Los Angeles area.
All three RoadRallies will use the free Richta GPS Competitor app for timing and scoring, with a maximum penalty on all three RoadRallies being half a minute per checkpoint.
The entry fee is $105 per car per rally, with a $15 per car per rally discount for those entering all three rallies (read through the Event Requirements in the MotorsportReg link for the discount code).
The Regionals
Don’t think you’re ready for National RoadRally competition? Fear not – the USRRC has you covered.
Any (or all) of the three USRRC National RoadRallies can be run as Regional rallies. Regionals will not count toward the annual National Championship, nor will they be included in lifetime points.
The Regional versions will run at the same time and use the same course and Route Instructions as the Nationals, but teams will not have the pressure of competing against National entrants. Regional competitors will also have their own separate results and trophies.
The entry fee is $60 per car per rally, with a $15 per car per rally discount for those entering all three Regional USRRC RoadRallies.
Click here to register for the Regionals.
Photo by Philip Royle