Oh, hi! I didn’t see you there. But now that you’re here, maybe you can help me with something. I’m looking for people to vote on who they think will win this year’s Tire Rack SCCA® Solo® National Championships.
Taking place Sept. 3-6, 2024, at Lincoln Airpark in Lincoln, NE, this year’s National Championship autocross event is (once again) a sold-out affair. With roughly 1,300 drivers contesting for the right to call themselves an SCCA National Champion, it’s going to be a heck of a year. But since that event isn’t going to take place until next week – and we can’t wait – we’re having you vote on who you think will win each class.
Throughout this week, we’ve had polls on:
And now, it’s time for the truly wild ones: Modified and Kart Modified.
Sporting more than a combined 110 entries across the Mod and Kart Mod classes, there’s a lot going on here, and only you have the power to predict who will win.
Well, actually, you likely don’t have any real powers of accurate prediction, but when it comes to the "Who Will Win the Solo Nats?" game, your guess is as good as any.
Quick disclosure: While we intended to include every event entry, we assembled the polls ahead of time, so undoubtedly there will be a name or two missing by the time you read this. For that, we included “Other” as a hopefully acceptable alternative.
Let's dive in!
Who Will Win…
Photo by Rupert Berrington