Beginning Dec. 1, 2024, requirements will change for SCCA® Flagging & Communications (F&C) license renewals, phasing in the requirement to complete F&C certification training. The required certification coursework can be found at the SCCA Academy accessed through SCCA’s Member Account Portal.
Presently, all F&C license levels (Regional, Divisional, National, and Senior) have both traditional (non-Certified) and “Certified” licenses, with the “Certified” designation applying to any individual that has completed the SCCA Academy F&C course. On Dec. 1, 2024, current, but “non-certified,” Regional F&C license holders will be required to complete an online certification course to renew their license, thus earning a “Certified Regional F&C” license. One year after that –beginning Dec. 1, 2025 – all “non-certified” Divisional F&C license holders must complete the same online certification course to renew their license. And by Dec. 1, 2026, all “non-certified” National and Senior F&C license holders must complete SCCA Academy’s online certification course to renew a National/Senior F&C license.
Veteran members of the F&C community are being included in this certification revision to help standardize F&C activities across the Club, which will form a baseline of consistency from one Region to the next. Experienced F&C leaders serve as both educators and mentors, so it’s logical they absorb coursework for awareness moving forward.
The coursework can be completed anytime through SCCA Academy before renewal requirements become effective. The only requirement for new or occasional F&C volunteers to participate at Club events is to hold an annual or weekend SCCA membership.
F&C Coursework at SCCA Academy
SCCA Academy is the Club’s online learning platform for licensing and leadership training. Launched in 2020, curriculum has been added for various specialties over time, one of which is the F&C training course unveiled in 2023.
The F&C online tutorial is completely free to SCCA members and includes 90 minutes of video content broken up into chapters. The tutorial is “on-demand,” and can be absorbed within any timeframe before completing the required test at the end of each chapter. One day, two days, one week, one month, or more – this program can be completed in whatever timeline works best for the individual.
Online F&C coursework presents nuts-n-bolts direction in a clear and consistent manner that delivers core essentials needed to work a very important and specific specialty. The F&C training module – built with input from longtime, top-level F&C specialists – was designed for enthusiasts beginning their flagging journey, as well as those with years of experience.
To date, more than 600 members have completed the F&C online certification course, thus earning the license designation of “Certified F&C” on their SCCA member card. In addition, the course has brought in more than 125 new SCCA members who joined the Club specifically to become corner marshals.
Again, SCCA members do not have to wait until their renewal date to complete the SCCA Academy F&C training course. To make life easier, everyone is encouraged to take the certification course as early as today by accessing the coursework via SCCA’s Member Account Portal. Once logged in, select the “My Learning” tab and click “Course Registration.” You can also go straight there via this link.
Successful completion of the course is a one-time deal. Once you have the certification, you will not need to complete it for future renewals unless there’s an update of content or when significant modules are added and require review.
Photo by Philip Royle