For members of the Sports Car Club of America® wishing to run for a position on the SCCA Board of Directors, the time is now. In 2024, elections will be held in Areas 1, 5, 7, 8, and 13, with the nomination window running from April 30 through Oct. 1.
Of the five Areas with elections being held this year, Areas 5, 7 and 13 have Directors who are currently serving their final term as allowed by the SCCA ByLaws. Area 5 Director Peter Jankovskis, the Board’s current chairman, and Area 7 Director KJ Christopher, the Board’s current treasurer, will step down after serving a pair of three-year terms. Area 13 Director Jeff Zurschmeide will also be concluding his second three-year term in 2024.
While Areas 1 and 8 have Directors who are completing their first term and have the option to run for the position of their Area’s Director again, members in good standing residing in those Areas are encouraged to run for the positions.
Want to Run? Here’s What You Need to Know
Before deciding to run for Area Director, you should first read up on what the SCCA Board of Directors does. For that, check out this article explaining what Board members do and what experience they bring to the table, and then read this article where Board members offer advice to anyone considering running for the position.
Next – and importantly – you should determine if you reside in an Area that’s up for a Board of Directors election. The Club’s ByLaws require that you’re a resident of that Area by April 30 of the election year.
SCCA Board of Directors elections are staggered in order to manage turnover on the Board, so you’ll need to plan ahead when running for a seat on the SCCA Board of Directors. For that, here’s what the next three years hold in store:
- 2024 election: Areas 1, 5, 7, 8, and 13
- 2025 election: Areas 2, 6, 10 and 12
- 2026 election: Areas 3, 4, 9, and 11
The 2027 election will cycle back to Areas 1, 5, 7, 8, and 13, continuing the cycle.
What SCCA Area do you belong to? The image below will give you an idea of the geography and who your current Area Director is. You can confirm your Area by checking your Region of Record once you log in to SCCA’s Member Account Portal.
How to Run
There’s a form to fill out, and on that form, you’ll need to gather 20 member signatures from your Area, submitting that form to the SCCA National Office prior to the Oct. 1 deadline.
Mail the completed form to:
Attn: Mary Hill
6620 SE Dwight St.
Topeka, KS 66619
The “National BoD Election Nomination Form” is located under the “General Information” tab of SCCA’s Member Account Portal, alongside the “SCCA Election Procedures for the Board of Directors” document that covers all of the requirements in greater detail.
You should also familiarize yourself with SCCA’s governance documents like the SCCA ByLaws, Operations Manual, and BoD Handbook, all found in that same online location.
If you have questions, contact the SCCA National Office or one of the existing Directors.
Photo by Michael Berchak