In April, 179 people celebrated their 25-, 30-, 35-, 40-, 45-, 50-, 55-, 60-, or 65-year anniversary with the Sports Car Club of America® – all impressive milestones. Of those, April marked the golden anniversary for 10 members, so congratulations to Elise Beaulieu, Robert G. Beaulieu, Robert Frennesson, Stanley H. Geist, F.E. Tuck Hunter, Mary R. Livingston, Rip Moore, Mark Saviet, Jon H. Snyder, and Larry A. Svaton for their longtime commitment to the Club.
Combined, six members celebrate 60- or 65-year anniversaries this month – an extraordinarily impressive feat. Kudos are certainly called for when it comes to Rex J. Apker, Jerry V. Jacob, Robert McKee, Jerry A. Petersen, Richard L. Roe, and Charles M Ruckman.
The anniversary listing below notes each member’s name, Region of record, Division, and join/rejoin date, and it’s important to mention that join dates for the 1970s and earlier will note the first of the month rather than the actual day of membership.
Name, Region of Record, Division, Join/Rejoin Date
Julie J Avard, Kansas Region, MW, 4/8/1999
Monica Barrera-Kowalewski, Chicago Region, CN, 4/22/1999
Darryl B Beech, South Carolina Region, SE, 4/27/1999
Anna Marie Boruch, New England Region, NE, 4/6/1999
Joseph Alexander Boruch III, New England Region, NE, 4/6/1999
Louis Boustani, Central Florida Region, SE, 4/22/1999
Russell Bowlus, San Francisco Region, NP, 4/7/1999
Ron Branam, San Francisco Region, NP, 4/28/1999
Steven Burkett, Southern Illinois Region, MW, 4/21/1999
Dorothy Caldwell, Susquehanna Region, NE, 4/9/1999
Kenneth Company, Northeastern Pennsylvania Region, NE, 4/29/1999
Zoe R Conrad, Fort Wayne Region, GL, 4/27/1999
Francis R Corley, South Carolina Region, SE, 4/6/1999
Grace G Cowitt, Florida Region, SE, 4/13/1999
Ronald H Davis, Kansas Region, MW, 4/7/1999
MacCarrick Drake, Finger Lakes Region, NE, 4/27/1999
Bart Freevol, Las Vegas Region, SP, 4/13/1999
Virginia Hayssen, New England Region, NE, 4/13/1999
William R Headlee, Fort Wayne Region, GL, 4/7/1999
Renee Hines, Northwestern Ohio Region, GL, 4/22/1999
Richard Robert Hromin, Washington DC Region, NE, 4/29/1999
Jill M Jollay, Houston Region, SW, 4/7/1999
Debra Klotzman, Neohio Region, GL, 4/15/1999
Kerry Klotzman, Neohio Region, GL, 4/15/1999
Raymond A Lacy II, San Francisco Region, NP, 4/14/1999
Lisa Lawrence, Houston Region, SW, 4/29/1999
Rossella Manfrinato, Atlanta Region, SE, 4/13/1999
Sherri Masterson, Northwest Region, NP, 4/29/1999
Tom Masterson, Northwest Region, NP, 4/29/1999
Bryan Packingham, Iowa Region, CN, 4/27/1999
Paul Parsons, Cal Club Region, SP, 4/6/1999
Mike Perakis, Ohio Valley Region, GL, 4/21/1999
Ken Quincy, Washington DC Region, NE, 4/13/1999
Scott Schweitzer, Detroit Region, GL, 4/8/1999
Gregory W Smith, Atlanta Region, SE, 4/21/1999
Jay Forrest Stannard II, Central Florida Region, SE, 4/1/1999
Christian VanVurst, Florida Region, SE, 4/22/1999
Ted J Warning, Tennessee Region, SE, 4/8/1999
Philip C Wehman, Indianapolis Region, GL, 4/27/1999
Name, Region of Record, Division, Join/Rejoin Date
John H Boatright, Buccaneer Region, SE, 4/14/1994
Mary P Brown, Washington DC Region, NE, 4/27/1994
R Kenneth Buck Jr., Philadelphia Region, NE, 4/21/1994
Rob Craig, Glen Region, NE, 4/14/1994
Peggy S Dietz, Neohio Region, GL, 4/14/1994
Nathan D Drummond, Detroit Region, GL, 4/21/1994
Elizabeth M Dunn, Neohio Region, GL, 4/21/1994
Randy Eickhoff, Kansas City Region, MW, 4/8/1994
Jeff Allen England, Ohio Valley Region, GL, 4/21/1994
James A Flynn, Oregon Region, NP, 4/6/1994
Carlos Franca, Detroit Region, GL, 4/14/1994
John Greene, Atlanta Region, SE, 4/12/1994
David A Heppler, Reno Region, NP, 4/5/1994
Andy Hollis, Lone Star Region, SW, 4/7/1994
Barbara G Knox, Cal Club Region, SP, 4/28/1994
Chuck Knox, Cal Club Region, SP, 4/28/1994
Betty S Martinez, Rio Grande Region, RM, 4/14/1994
Harold E McCarty Jr., Washington DC Region, NE, 4/21/1994
Shawn Morrison, New England Region, NE, 4/19/1994
Jerry M Onks, Tennessee Region, SE, 4/19/1994
Eric Penn, Detroit Region, GL, 4/21/1994
Shannon Raglin, Chicago Region, CN, 4/7/1994
Jackie Ruegsegger, Colorado Region, RM, 4/5/1994
Ronald L Sandy, Milwaukee Region, CN, 4/12/1994
George W Sargent III, Houston Region, SW, 4/21/1994
Alan D Smith, Finger Lakes Region, NE, 4/21/1994
Cecilia Smith, Cal Club Region, SP, 4/27/1994
Steven A Stafford, Central Carolinas Region, SE, 4/14/1994
W Scott Stickle, Mohawk Hudson Region, NE, 4/12/1994
John K Stowe, New England Region, NE, 4/21/1994
Michael D Threatt, Atlanta Region, SE, 4/7/1994
John A Turzewski, Central Carolinas Region, SE, 4/21/1994
Henry Van Vurst, Florida Region, SE, 4/14/1994
Andrew Watts, Northeast Oklahoma Region, MW, 4/21/1994
Christopher D Whaley, Central New York Region, NE, 4/7/1994
Mason Workman, Ohio Valley Region, GL, 4/14/1994
Name, Region of Record, Division, Join/Rejoin Date
Robert Berger, Philadelphia Region, NE, 4/24/1989
Larry Best, Indiana Northwest Region, GL, 4/12/1989
Jeffery L Bridges, Central Carolinas Region, SE, 4/25/1989
Marsha C Bridges, Central Carolinas Region, SE, 4/25/1989
Bob Burris, Central Florida Region, SE, 4/25/1989
Bill Coffey, Buccaneer Region, SE, 4/25/1989
Larry Cooper, San Francisco Region, NP, 4/25/1989
Andrew D Doyle, Indianapolis Region, GL, 4/20/1989
Keith R Duntze, Arizona Region, SP, 4/19/1989
Larry Ehmann, Atlanta Region, SE, 4/18/1989
Kaye Fairer, North Carolina Region, SE, 4/24/1989
Bruce Foss, South Bend Region, GL, 4/26/1989
Greg Gerdon, Atlanta Region, SE, 4/18/1989
Gary Grubb, Neohio Region, GL, 4/11/1989
Janice K Jeffords, Milwaukee Region, CN, 4/18/1989
Ron Jones, Houston Region, SW, 4/24/1989
Kim D Macdonald, Neohio Region, GL, 4/18/1989
Christine McAllister, Finger Lakes Region, NE, 4/12/1989
W Burns Moore, Northern New Jersey Region, NE, 4/23/1989
Michael Odonovich, Washington DC Region, NE, 4/21/1989
Clifford D Rassweiler, Florida Region, SE, 4/18/1989
Karen Richardson, New England Region, NE, 4/25/1989
Edward L Savage, New England Region, NE, 4/27/1989
Richard S Sweigart Jr., Philadelphia Region, NE, 4/26/1989
Scott R Webb, Cal Club Region, SP, 4/25/1989
Donna Wiernicki, Glen Region, NE, 4/26/1989
Theodore P Winning, Colorado Region, RM, 4/20/1989
Timothy S Zelenak, Neohio Region, GL, 4/25/1989
David P. Zurlinden, San Francisco Region, NP, 4/24/1989
Name, Region of Record, Division, Join/Rejoin Date
Mary Jo Aquilante, Philadelphia Region, NE, 4/19/1984
Thomas M Bartz, Milwaukee Region, CN, 4/24/1984
Stanley Berry, Neohio Region, GL, 4/30/1984
Jeffrey G Boris, Western Michigan Region, GL, 4/24/1984
Catherine B Denomme, New England Region, NE, 4/24/1984
Richard Y Fletcher, Rio Grande Region, RM, 4/30/1984
Robert J Foley, Northern New Jersey Region, NE, 4/24/1984
Dave Frezza, Oregon Region, NP, 4/30/1984
Albert J Gaudino, Neohio Region, GL, 4/30/1984
Nancy Gaudino, Neohio Region, GL, 4/30/1984
Gail B Green, Neohio Region, GL, 4/17/1984
Randall O Hartman, Ohio Valley Region, GL, 4/24/1984
Norman R Kayler, Washington DC Region, NE, 4/26/1984
Garry W Ketchie, Central Carolinas Region, SE, 4/30/1984
Cynthia Hodges Krolikowski, Detroit Region, GL, 4/25/1984
Debbie A LaFond, Neohio Region, GL, 4/24/1984
Henry Lawrence, North Carolina Region, SE, 4/30/1984
Edwin W Maklenburg, Western Michigan Region, GL, 4/30/1984
Janis Marino, Central Florida Region, SE, 4/30/1984
Kenneth R. Marino, Central Florida Region, SE, 4/30/1984
Michael H Marr, San Francisco Region, NP, 4/25/1984
Eileen A McStay, New England Region, NE, 4/30/1984
Grant H McStay, New England Region, NE, 4/30/1984
Eric L Ritchie, Houston Region, SW, 4/17/1984
Danny L Robson, Central Louisiana Region, SW, 4/24/1984
Bruce J Rodman, New England Region, NE, 4/17/1984
Wayne I Rogers, Western Michigan Region, GL, 4/30/1984
George A Sanchez, Chicago Region, CN, 4/30/1984
Mary E Shiloff, Detroit Region, GL, 4/30/1984
Ken J Stefancic, Milwaukee Region, CN, 4/8/1984
Ray Sukekane, San Francisco Region, NP, 4/25/1984
Shirley L Thompson, Washington DC Region, NE, 4/25/1984
Richard J Valentine, New England Region, NE, 4/19/1984
David S Vestrand, Detroit Region, GL, 4/30/1984
Frederick E Wicks, Florida Region, SE, 4/17/1984
Rodney Wise, Kentucky Region, GL, 4/24/1984
Dorothy Zientara, Milwaukee Region, CN, 4/30/1984
Name, Region of Record, Division, Join/Rejoin Date
Jack C Bennett, Detroit Region, GL, 4/1/1979
Carl Berggren, Chicago Region, CN, 4/1/1979
Jerolyn C Brown, Glen Region, NE, 4/1/1979
Paul D Gilbert, Great River Region, CN, 4/1/1979
Dorothy Harrington, Neohio Region, GL, 4/1/1979
Robin L Lamb, Milwaukee Region, CN, 4/1/1979
David C Ours, Western Michigan Region, GL, 4/1/1979
Chuck Riblett, Colorado Region, RM, 4/1/1979
Brad Schlossmann, Milwaukee Region, CN, 4/1/1979
Michael J Ticonchuk, Southern New York Region, NE, 4/1/1979
Eric Weiss, Mohawk Hudson Region, NE, 4/1/1979
Michael D Woodworth, Buccaneer Region, SE, 4/1/1979
Name, Region of Record, Division, Join/Rejoin Date
Elise Beaulieu, New England Region, NE, 4/1/1974
Robert G Beaulieu, New England Region, NE, 4/1/1974
Robert Frennesson, Central Florida Region, SE, 4/1/1974
Stanley H Geist, Western Ohio Region, GL, 4/1/1974
F E Tuck Hunter, Philadelphia Region, NE, 4/1/1974
Mary R Livingston, Central Kentucky Region, GL, 4/1/1974
Rip Moore, Central Kentucky Region, GL, 4/1/1974
Mark Saviet, New England Region, NE, 4/1/1974
Jon H Snyder, Southern West Virginia Region, GL, 4/1/1974
Larry A Svaton, Houston Region, SW, 4/1/1974
Name, Region of Record, Division, Join/Rejoin Date
Thad A Appelman, Arizona Border Region, SP, 4/1/1969
Robert W Archer, Chicago Region, CN, 4/1/1969
Louis G Galanos, Central Florida Region, SE, 4/1/1969
Robert W Layman, Detroit Region, GL, 4/1/1969
Fred Myeron, San Francisco Region, NP, 4/1/1969
John W Rynerson, Central Florida Region, SE, 4/1/1969
Richard Simon, New York Region, NE, 4/1/1969
John R Sutton, Chicago Region, CN, 4/1/1969
Donald M Taylor, Chicago Region, CN, 4/1/1969
Sharon Weitzenhof, Neohio Region, GL, 4/1/1969
Name, Region of Record, Division, Join/Rejoin Date
Rex J Apker, Northeast Oklahoma Region, MW, 4/1/1964
Jerry V Jacob, Delta Region, SW, 4/1/1964
Robert McKee, Chicago Region, CN, 4/1/1964
Jerry A Petersen, Neohio Region, GL, 4/1/1964
Name, Region of Record, Division, Join/Rejoin Date
Richard L Roe, Land O'Lakes Region, CN, 4/1/1959
Charles M Ruckman, San Francisco Region, NP, 4/1/1959