(Looking for an inside line on the Club? “Inside the SCCA” is a podcast that features interviews with the Club’s leading personalities, but it’s not owned by SCCA®. Instead, it’s an independent media outlet managed by Rule 15 Productions and hosted by longtime SCCA member and journalist Brian Bielanski. He uses the Club’s name with permission, but without direction or influence from SCCA.)
On episode 147 of “Inside the SCCA,” podcast host Brian Bielanski catches up with 2023 B-Spec SCCA® National Champion Rich Hromin. After developing a plan that would help launch Steve Introne to the 2022 National Championship, the duo hatched another plan to work together at the 2023 National Championship Runoffs® and, if all worked out, Introne would return the favor. Everything was going to perfection – until it wasn't. On this episode of the podcast, Rich relives that day when he lost his dance partner in the opening laps of the 2023 Runoffs.
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Photo by Jeff Loewe