Photos by Jon Krolewicz, Kristen Poole, Jay Bonvouloir, Jeff Loewe, Rick Corwine, and Valerie Farret.

60 runnings of the SCCA National Championship Runoffs and it finally happened — a tie for first place. Co-champions Preston Pardus and Nicholas Bruni were crowned in Spec Miata.
photo by Finish Camera
photo by Finish Camera

Calvin Stewart was a happy man after his Formula 600 SCCA National Championship.
photo by Kristen Poole
photo by Kristen Poole

A first-lap spin from Chip Herr did not stop him from winning his first Runoffs in STU.
photo by Jay Bonvouloir
photo by Jay Bonvouloir

Good morning, VIR! Each day of the Runoffs starts with the National Anthem, sung here by Dave Rich on Friday morning.
photo by Jon Krolewicz
photo by Jon Krolewicz

A beer, a best friend and the SCCA Runoffs. What more do you need?
photo by Kristen Poole
photo by Kristen Poole

A love of SCCA Runoffs racing spans the ages.
photo by Kristen Poole
photo by Kristen Poole

#funwith cars means on track and trackside. Here, the SCCA grid team shares a laugh between groups.
photo by Jon Krolewicz
photo by Jon Krolewicz

A Sedan Driver Thomas West waits patiently for his turn on track, keeping dry thanks to Sea World.
photo by Jon Krolewicz
photo by Jon Krolewicz

A Spec Miata - adorned with all the decals.
photo by Kristen Poole
photo by Kristen Poole

According to the app we checked, a stroll around VIR is 7,347 steps - we trust that everyone hit their steps goal on Sunday and Monday evening track walks.
photo by Jon Krolewicz
photo by Jon Krolewicz

Amy Mills (with the help of her crew) campaigned both Spec Miata and Super Touring Lite.
photo by Valerie Farret
photo by Valerie Farret

Beth Aquilante pushes the limits in American Sedan.
photo by Jay Bonvouloir
photo by Jay Bonvouloir

Charlie's angels -- or are they mice? Yorkies Mickey and Minnie are part of Charlie Campbell's support crew.
photo by Kristen Poole
photo by Kristen Poole

Chip Romer spent the P1 race trying to get to the finish any way he could.
photo by Jay Bonvouloir
photo by Jay Bonvouloir

Chuck Mathis was hard at work all weekend managing the Championship and 3rd-place finishing cars in H Production.
photo by Kristen Poole
photo by Kristen Poole

Communication is key.
photo by Jon Krolewicz
photo by Jon Krolewicz

Conner Kelleher leads a train of cars in B-Spec, the first race on a clear, cool Sunday morning.
photo by Jeff Loewe
photo by Jeff Loewe

Contrasting the "do all the things" wheel seen in the Prototype Classes, this steering wheel, does one thing, and one thing only: Controls the Formula Vee driven by Alex Scaler.
photo by Jon Krolewicz
photo by Jon Krolewicz

Danny Steyn leads the 50-car Spec Miata field during its National Championship at VIR.
photo by Rick Corwine
photo by Rick Corwine

Danny Steyn, Joe Moser and Jose Osiris Pena all celebrated Moser's STL championship.
photo by Rick Corwine
photo by Rick Corwine

Do you know where your nose is?
photo by Jon Krolewicz
photo by Jon Krolewicz

Donald Drennon, flanked by SCCA staffers Eric Prill and Deanna Flanagan, was selected as the Flagging & Communications Worker of the Year.
photo by Jon Krolewicz
photo by Jon Krolewicz

Dreams begin like this.
photo by Jon Krolewicz
photo by Jon Krolewicz

E Production driver Yuri Collazos works on repairing a broken engine Thursday in advance of his race on Saturday.
photo by Kristen Poole
photo by Kristen Poole

Emily, 8, has already mastered the crew chief 1,000-yard stare, supporting Robert McManus at this year's event.
photo by Jon Krolewicz
photo by Jon Krolewicz

Even before the sun comes up, SCCA workers and officials get ready to start the day.
photo by Jon Krolewicz
photo by Jon Krolewicz

Even for multi-time Runoffs Champion Marshall Mast, the Runoffs can be tough. Here Mast contemplates the night of hard work ahead after an issue in qualifying.
photo by Jon Krolewicz
photo by Jon Krolewicz

Fans, friends and family send SCCA drivers off grid and onto the racetrack during the Runoffs at VIRginia International Raceway.
photo by Jon Krolewicz
photo by Jon Krolewicz

Finally. A thrilled Danny Richardson wins American Sedan.
photo by Rick Corwine
photo by Rick Corwine

Former NFL player and actor Jared Odrick added Runoffs champ to his resume with a GT-2 win, clearly earning some 'cool points.'
photo by Jon Krolewicz
photo by Jon Krolewicz

Formula Continental was a Allaer family affair, with Nolan leading the way in front of his father, Rob.
photo by Jay Bonvouloir
photo by Jay Bonvouloir

Franklin Futrelle preps for the FE2 battle. He not only finished second, but also set the fastest lap of the race with a livery throwback to the 1990 winning FA car, fielded by Comprent and driven by Joseph Hamilton.
photo by Jon Krolewicz
photo by Jon Krolewicz

SCCA Vice President of Road Racing Eric Prill started Sunday's morning by singing the Star-Spangled Banner.
photo by Jon Krolewicz
photo by Jon Krolewicz

T4 Winner Devin Anderson steps from his car and celebrates before taking to the podium to collect his National Championship trophy.
photo by Rick Corwine
photo by Rick Corwine

From volunteers to drivers, crew and even SCCA's president, the Runoffs attracts people who want to have #funwithcars (and act a little silly).
photo by Jon Krolewicz
photo by Jon Krolewicz

Greg Ira celebrates his third E Prod National Championship win with his wife, Amy, and Jesse Prather.
photo by Jon Krolewicz
photo by Jon Krolewicz

Chip Herr won his first World Challenge race in SCCA Pro Racing at Mid-Ohio, and stood on the roof where the dents remain. On Sunday, he did it again, in the same car - this time in STU for his first Runoffs win.
photo by Jon Krolewicz
photo by Jon Krolewicz

Grid workers are arguably the most energetic bunch of volunteers at the Runoffs, sending each driver on track with enthusiasm.
photo by Kristen Poole
photo by Kristen Poole

If Formula Vee's Zachary Whitston fits, he sits.
photo by Jon Krolewicz
photo by Jon Krolewicz

GT-Lite racers Graham Fuller (No. 22) and Kenneth Berdine (No. 41) make their way around VIRginia International Raceway Wednesday during qualifying for the 2023 Runoffs.
photo by Jay Bonvouloir
photo by Jay Bonvouloir

Hunter Phelps-Barron shared a smile on grid, and then went out and finished 4th in Formula Vee.
photo by Jon Krolewicz
photo by Jon Krolewicz

Chris Edens used all of the track and a little more on third lap in his GT3 Mazda Miata.
photo by Jeff Loewe
photo by Jeff Loewe

It doesn't take long for the post-race debriefs to begin. Here, the Spec Miata race — and tires — are discussed in impound.
photo by Kristen Poole
photo by Kristen Poole

Even big boys love their moms. In this case, the boy in question is 6th-place STL finisher Chuck Hines.
photo by Jon Krolewicz
photo by Jon Krolewicz

It took 10 attempts for Lucian Pancea to earn Runoffs gold, but the wait was worth it.
photo by Jon Krolewicz
photo by Jon Krolewicz

GT-2 racer Danny Bender pushed the limits to find all the speed.
photo by Jon Krolewicz
photo by Jon Krolewicz

It's wheels up for Touring 1 driver Andrew Aquilante at VIR on the way to the win.
photo by Jeff Loewe
photo by Jeff Loewe

Jason Ott hugs his brother, Steve, after Steve's Touring 3 win. Jason took home the silver medal.
photo by Kristen Poole
photo by Kristen Poole

Jeff Dernehl earned the runner-up spot in GT-3 driving a Mazda RX-7 at the 60th running of SCCA's Runoffs.
photo by Jeff Loewe
photo by Jeff Loewe

It should've ducked.
photo by Kristen Poole
photo by Kristen Poole

John Heinricy's Cadillac CT4-V Blackwing emerged through the fog with a line behind him in Touring 2.
photo by Rick Corwine
photo by Rick Corwine

John Yeatman gets last minute advice from his crew before the start of the Formula Enterprises 2 race.
photo by Jon Krolewicz
photo by Jon Krolewicz

Ken Kannard and Bill Hingston talk strategy before the F Production race. Kannard would come home as the champion.
photo by Jon Krolewicz
photo by Jon Krolewicz

Jonathan Goodale does all he can to make the GT-Lite race.
photo by Jeff Loewe
photo by Jeff Loewe

Is it just us or does this remind you of Mark Weber, too?
photo by Kristen Poole
photo by Kristen Poole

Greg Ira, EP winning driver's runoffs winning gloves - and the hand that fits.
photo by Jon Krolewicz
photo by Jon Krolewicz

Jonathan Weisheit's FE2 gets prepped for the long race ahead.
photo by Jon Krolewicz
photo by Jon Krolewicz

Kids are great at turning the paddock into a playground. #funwithcars doesn't have to mean only cars.
photo by Jon Krolewicz
photo by Jon Krolewicz

Life imitates art (cars) and in this case, sim racing as well. Trenton Kramer who drove this BMW art car tribute B Spec Mini.
photo by Jon Krolewicz
photo by Jon Krolewicz

Ken Kannard's run to the F Prod title was a long time coming.
photo by Jay Bonvouloir
photo by Jay Bonvouloir

Nathan Nicholson waves the checkered flag after an exhibition race, but it marks the green flag for SMX at the Runoffs, — it'll be a championship class in 2024.
photo by Jeff Loewe
photo by Jeff Loewe

Nicholas Bruni came to the window to congratulate Preston Pardus on what would become his co-win. But at this point neither knew they'd both be Champions by the end of the day.
photo by Kristen Poole
photo by Kristen Poole

Nolan Allaer took home two of those checkered flags — one in Formula Continental, and one in Formula F.
photo by Rick Corwine
photo by Rick Corwine

Of course, for most it was at the 2023 SCCA Championship Runoffs. Some might have taken home medals, but #funwithcars was had by all.
photo by Jon Krolewicz
photo by Jon Krolewicz

Open wheel winged cars, like these Formula Enterprise racers, handle VIR like they're on rails and clock some of the fastest lap times in the SCCA.
photo by Jay Bonvouloir
photo by Jay Bonvouloir

Patience is eventually rewarded, as F Production Ken Kannard won his first championship in his 23rd try.
photo by Rick Corwine
photo by Rick Corwine

Pop it like it's hot. (Rivets that is.)
photo by Jon Krolewicz
photo by Jon Krolewicz

Richard Astacio had a solid T4 race, advancing from 14th to 9th.
photo by Jeff Loewe
photo by Jeff Loewe

Robert Allaer (right), rushed from his car to give his son Nolan Allaer a hug after the pair claimed the top two finishing positions in the Formula Continental National Championship race.
photo by Jon Krolewicz
photo by Jon Krolewicz

S. Sandy Satullo III's run for the gold in SRF3 began well with a seventh-place start, but ended after just one lap.
photo by Jon Krolewicz
photo by Jon Krolewicz

SCCA has a wide range of technology showcased at the Runoffs. This multi-function steering wheel belongs to the P1-winning Elan DP02 driven by Todd Vanacore.
photo by Jon Krolewicz
photo by Jon Krolewicz

SCCA President/CEO Mike Cobb peers over the shoulder of Sydney Davis Yagel as she "splits" the T3 grid before their race.
photo by Jon Krolewicz
photo by Jon Krolewicz

Steve Ott got the better of his brother, Jason, in a 1-2 finish for Touring 3.
photo by Jay Bonvouloir
photo by Jay Bonvouloir

Some daddy-daughter time for one of Nicholas Bruni's little ones. Bruni left this year's Runoffs as one of the first-ever co-champions in SCCA history.
photo by Jon Krolewicz
photo by Jon Krolewicz

Spec Miata racer Frankie Barroso gets by with a little help from his friends.
photo by Jon Krolewicz
photo by Jon Krolewicz

Taylor Hyatt pulled double duty at the 2023 Runoffs: Grid worker and first-time Runoffs competitor in H Production.
photo by Jon Krolewicz
photo by Jon Krolewicz

Travis Washay delivers the best of showers, taking third in Touring 3.
photo by Jay Bonvouloir
photo by Jay Bonvouloir

The 4th Annual Charity Golf Cart Parade traversed the paddock before this one lit up Wednesday night's Runoffs Block Party.
photo by Kristen Poole
photo by Kristen Poole

The American Sedan field waiting for their shot at VIR's 18-turn, 3.27-mile circuit during the Runoffs.
photo by Jon Krolewicz
photo by Jon Krolewicz

The coolest guy in GT-2, Barry Boes!
photo by Kristen Poole
photo by Kristen Poole

The Flagtronics system made its SCCA debut this week, with about 35% of drivers testing the system.
photo by Jon Krolewicz
photo by Jon Krolewicz

The checkers waving for Kurt Rezzetano who took the win in T2 at the wheel of his Phoenix-prepared Ford Mustang.
photo by Jeff Loewe
photo by Jeff Loewe

The '23 Runoffs at VIRginia International Raceway was the perfect place to hang out and watch race cars.
photo by Jon Krolewicz
photo by Jon Krolewicz

The Phoenix family studied the track during the walk on Sunday.
photo by Jon Krolewicz
photo by Jon Krolewicz

The battle for the Prototype 2 lead was intense, with Lucian Pancea, Tim Day Jr., and Greg Gyann pushing all the limits.
photo by Jay Bonvouloir
photo by Jay Bonvouloir

The FE2 field had a rough start and spent some time on pit road waiting for clean-up during a black flag all.
photo by Jon Krolewicz
photo by Jon Krolewicz

Joe Moser soaks in his win during the post-race interview. Moser had just bested Danny Steyn in a ferocious battle for the STL National Championship.
photo by Rick Corwine
photo by Rick Corwine

Joe Moser won Super Touring® Lite, but Danny Steyn kept the pressure on in his Mazda.
photo by Jay Bonvouloir
photo by Jay Bonvouloir

Joelle Pence - sporting some mouse ears - directs the T2 field as the split into their rows for the start.
photo by Jon Krolewicz
photo by Jon Krolewicz

The Formula Vee race was filled with ups and down, but don't worry: the puffs of smoke are normal.
photo by Jay Bonvouloir
photo by Jay Bonvouloir

The fourth annual Charity Golf Cart Parade raised more than $8,000 for Lemons of Love.
photo by Jon Krolewicz
photo by Jon Krolewicz

The golf cart parade had some great costumes, produced lots of smiles, and raised more than $8,000 for Lemons of Love.
photo by Jon Krolewicz
photo by Jon Krolewicz

The Runoffs broadcast presented by Mazda covers the action from top to bottom.
photo by Jon Krolewicz
photo by Jon Krolewicz

The Runoffs Spec Miata race always draws spectators to the fence to experience the excitement.
photo by Kristen Poole
photo by Kristen Poole

The SCCA Runoffs. Where #funwithcars meets #funwitheverything for the kiddos who keep us smiling.
photo by Kristen Poole
photo by Kristen Poole

The STU field champs at the bit behind the Mazda CX-90 pace vehicle just before their green flag.
photo by Jon Krolewicz
photo by Jon Krolewicz

You're always the right age to lend a helping hand. Aubree, 8, is helping do some checks on the T4 car of Christopher Deen.
photo by Jon Krolewicz
photo by Jon Krolewicz

Bill King, Program Manager at the inception of the Spec Racer program, waves the green flag to start the Gen 3 Spec Racer Ford race in its 40th year.
photo by Jeff Loewe
photo by Jeff Loewe

The VIRginia International Raceway track staff kept things nice and tidy throughout the Runoffs.
photo by Jeff Loewe
photo by Jeff Loewe

The Spec MX-5 Challenge Series conducted its end-of-year championship at VIR during the Runoffs. Next year, these cars will have their own, official National Championship race during the Runoffs at Road America.
photo by Jeff Loewe
photo by Jeff Loewe

The weather at the 2023 SCCA National Championship Runoffs was much nicer than it was the year before for those who wanted to catch the action.
photo by Rick Corwine
photo by Rick Corwine

This is the way. Golf carts were welcome on the track walks at VIR Sunday and Monday before qualifying began.
photo by Jon Krolewicz
photo by Jon Krolewicz

Tool time. A walk through the paddock can be a lesson in variety for organizing the tools and equipment needed to go racing.
photo by Kristen Poole
photo by Kristen Poole

Track sentry on duty: This SCCA flagging and communications volunteer — BoD member Dayle Frame — stands guard over "South Bend."
photo by Jeff Loewe
photo by Jeff Loewe

Trackside watching race cars at VIR: Three things that combine to make for a perfect day.
photo by Kristen Poole
photo by Kristen Poole

Tuned to perfection. Across the paddock crews diligently checked engines and other vehicle systems to make sure they were getting optimum performance.
photo by Kristen Poole
photo by Kristen Poole

Vanessa Ferret took a break from grid duty to ride along on the B-Spec victory lap with Richard Hromin.
photo by Valerie Farret
photo by Valerie Farret

When only analog communication will do: Ben Tyler updates the Spec Miata field during their black flag all.
photo by Jon Krolewicz
photo by Jon Krolewicz

When they're at work, the "Men in Black" in tech shine a light on safety and compliance with focused attention to detail.
photo by Jon Krolewicz
photo by Jon Krolewicz

While James Weida's Formula 600 run was strong, a late-race spin in Oak Tree brought things crumbling down.
photo by Jay Bonvouloir
photo by Jay Bonvouloir

While 35% of drivers used Flagtronics, too, analog flagging at the 2023 SCCA Runoffs continued to keep drivers informed and safe.
photo by Jay Bonvouloir Loewe
photo by Jay Bonvouloir Loewe

William Ferguson and Jonathan Kotyk chased Nolan Allaer in Formula Ford, but Allaer came home in front.
photo by Jay Bonvouloir
photo by Jay Bonvouloir

With 25 races and more than 31 hours of streaming; the broadcast booth, and folks inside it, stayed busy.
photo by Jon Krolewicz
photo by Jon Krolewicz

With an air-activated bell it would feel like a full-service station for drivers taking advantage of the tire temp checks by Hoosier (seen here) and Goodyear.
photo by Jon Krolewicz
photo by Jon Krolewicz

You know things are getting serious when the level and knife come out...
photo by Kristen Poole
photo by Kristen Poole

We raise our glasses to friends: those absent, those present, those who wish they were here. And amongst all of those there is another: That bloodshot blur with fur – here’s to Brian Redman’s cat.
photo by Jon Krolewicz
photo by Jon Krolewicz