“I got a message for all of them,” respected racer Cal Naughton Jr. once said. “Shake ‘n bake.”
What does that mean, and what does it have to do with the SCCA® RallyCross National Championship taking place at Heartland Motorsports Park in Topeka, KS, on Oct. 6-8, 2023? Nothing on both counts – other than if you’re not at this year’s RallyCross Nats, not only will you not be first, but you won’t even be last … because you didn’t show up.
So why should you show up to this year’s RallyCross National Championship? There are many great reasons – and not all of them come with the thrill you’ll experience behind the wheel.
Reason #1: Kansas City BBQ
It all kicks off on Friday night, Oct. 6, with a rather unique welcome party. Rather than the Friday night gathering taking place at the event, participants will make the two-mile jaunt to the SCCA National Office, where everyone will be treated not to Fig Newtons, but to world renowned Kansas City-style BBQ.
Don’t know how good Kansas City BBQ is? There’s one way to find out, and it ain’t by staying home.
Reason #2: Stay For Free
OK, we’re using the term “accommodations” loosely here, but if you’re competing in the event, you get free use of Heartland Motorsports Park’s facility to camp and shower. Starting on the Thursday, you can camp for free on location through the end of competition on Sunday afternoon. In fact, you don’t even need to leave the facility during the weekend, as there’ll be food available on site for a reasonable price.
Also on site: fuel pumps! So there’ll be no need to run off site to get that extra gallon of gas you were short.
Reason #3: All The Runs
This isn’t SCCA’s first rodeo at Heartland Motorsports Park, so the crew knows what the surface needs for all drivers to get their runs. Granted, Mother Nature has been known to kick pretty hard, but when it comes to pre-event surface prep and mid-event maintenance, Heartland Motorsports Park and the SCCA have a plan that will keep drivers on course with minimal downtime.
Reason #4: T-shirts For Showing Up, Jackets You Earn
Enter the event and get a free T-shirt. The National Championship jacket – now that you’ll have to earn. To earn a National Championship jacket, all you have to do is win your class. How hard can that be?
The answer is: very, very hard. When the best RallyCrossers in the nation show up, you need to bring your “A” game for every single run. There’s no slacking mid-event and riding on momentum because your competition will be pushing until the end because they know – as we noted earlier – if you’re not first, you’re last.
Reason #5: Shake ‘n Bake!
Not sure what to do with your hands? Use them to click the link below and sign up for the 2023 RallyCross National Championship before the event hits the 125 entrant cap – then on Oct. 6-8, put your hands on the wheel and drive.
Photo by Rupert Berrington