Looking for an inside line on the Club? “Inside the SCCA” is a podcast that features interviews with the Club’s leading personalities, but it’s not owned by SCCA. Instead, it’s an independent media outlet managed by Rule 15 Productions and hosted by longtime SCCA Member and journalist Brian Bielanski. He uses the Club’s name with permission, but without direction or influence from SCCA.
Here's something that won't surprise anyone: There’s a shortage of workers at many SCCA races. There are a lot of reasons for this, and those who work races have lamented the lack of easy solutions. Episode 53 of the “Inside the SCCA” podcast explores the problem, some of the causes, and potential solutions. Here's the refreshing part – a driver contacted “Inside the SCCA” host Brian Bielanski wanting to be the guest for this topic. Frank Schwartz, who has played a big role in resurrecting several classes with dwindling numbers, is putting his brain power into how to bring in new workers. It's an episode Club administrators, specialties chiefs, workers – and especially drivers – shouldn't miss.
Listen below or click here.