We’ll give you some reasons in just a minute, but let’s cut to the chase: You should register for the Tire Rack SCCA Oscoda ProSolo at the Oscoda-Wurtsmith Airport in Oscoda, MI, Aug. 5-7, or if you’ve got a CAM-classed car, for the CAM Challenge celebration at Grissom Aeroplex in Peru, IN. Go ahead – go do it. We’ll wait....
Ok, welcome back! Now that you’ve done the important part, let’s tell you why it was so urgent.
First, both events are limited. The Oscoda ProSolo has a cap of 235 competitors while the CAM Challenge tops out at 210. You don’t want to be left out in the cold, especially once you have the details.
The Details
Let’s start with Oscoda. It’s the last ProSolo before the Tire Rack SCCA ProSolo Championship Finale in Lincoln, NE, on Sept. 2-4, 2022. That means it’s the last chance to earn points in the final standings, and it’s the last chance to move from a Tier 3 participant to a Tier 1 or 2 – which can make a huge difference, potentially, in if you even get to participate in Lincoln.
Next, it’s the big hurrah for CAM Challenge in 2022. Though the CAM classes do (and will) run at the 2022 Tire Rack SCCA Solo National Championships, this is the CAM party – and where better to represent Classic American Muscle than in the heart of the rust belt that developed, built, and popularized that muscle over the years?
Most importantly, the ProSolo Finale and Solo National Championships are just around the corner. This is an excellent opportunity to get some National-level autocross competition in, knock off the cobwebs, and enjoy a weekend of #funwithcars.
Remind us again what you’re waiting for? This is your second chance: Get registered today and utilize the concrete surface at the Oscoda-Wurtsmith Airport for ProSolo points, or come talk American iron at the CAM Challenge.
Register: CAM Challenge at Grissom
Photo by Philip Royle / Staff