Clear your calendars and stay informed in the Club you love! SCCA President and CEO Mike Cobb’s next Presidential address is scheduled for a virtual presentation on Wednesday, November 3 at 7pm CDT/8pm EDT.
In the nearly-quarterly address, Cobb will take a look back on 2021, including year to date administration of both membership and financial performance. Cobb will also reflect on the recently-concluded Championship season, including the Runoffs and Tire Rack Solo Nationals, and a look ahead to 2022’s Board of Director elections, the overall look of the 2022 SCCA Convention, and more.
“These addresses are an opportunity for SCCA members to stay apprised of Club news and performance, remain active outside of events, and stay in touch with our leadership team throughout the year,” Cobb said. “For me, it’s an opportunity to bring what happens in ‘Topeka’ to the Club members and continue to march the business forward while we also have fun with cars.”
The address is free to view, but requires registration. SCCA Members may register at the link below:
Photo by Philip Royle/SportsCar