In a user-friendly move for both SCCA members and event registrars, SCCA will be implementing a Digital Annual Waiver this December that will take the place of the printed, signed and notarized annual waivers that are currently used.
The digital waivers will provide a touch-free access point and convenience to both the members and the registrars in charge of checking members in at events. The signing of the digital wavier eliminates the need for a “wet” signature and notarized form, saving time and energy for SCCA members.
The waiver process and proof of signature will be available in each member’s profile on my.SCCA.com, utilizing technology currently available in real-world processes.
At this time, the digital waiver will only be available to members over the age of 18. Minor Waivers will continue to operate as they currently do.
“While we at the SCCA were already improving our digital capabilities, one positive to come out of the past year has been the acceptance to allow secure digital signatures,” Aimee Thoennes, Senior Manager, Member Services said. “This move eliminates paperwork and is more efficient for both the member and those assigned to collect the annual waivers in the office and at events.”
More details on the waiver system will be unveiled on SCCA.com as they become available.