There’s certainly no shortage of modifications you can make to your car to make it more competitive. Engine upgrades, suspension tuning and performance brakes are among the first changes drivers go to make when fractions of a second can be the difference between a trophy and a quiet drive home. In the sea of options afforded to drivers, one area is often overlooked: under-hood heat regulation. Heat can be helpful when it’s confined to the right places. Shielding your car’s mechanics from damaging temperatures can save your season from ending early. By wrapping your exhaust pipes and keeping heat where it’s most helpful, you can get the most power out of your engine.
Our Tire Rack SCCA Time Trials National Tour incentive program partners at Design Engineering explain it all in these helpful pages. Check them out and see if these upgrades are the right ones for you. If you’re planning to run any of the remaining tour events or Nationals, be sure to take advantage of the DEI Incentive program that’ll save you $25 on your registration!
To learn more about how DEI products can make your car better and faster, check out DEI’s Tech Blog.
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