We are pleased to announce that we will, once again, be offering 9 Region/Group tents for rental along with Group Paddock reservations for the 2019 Tire Rack SCCA Solo Nationals. As we announced last year, there will be a charge for Group Paddock this year due to the cost of the paddock system through MSR as well as the administrative time involved. The price for each member in a Paddock Group will be $10 per competitor. A maximum of 40 competitors per Paddock Group will be allowed. Just like the past couple of years, registration for Paddock Groups will be required. The registration page is currently in the process of being built, so please keep a look out for the link in the next couple of weeks. The planned group registration open is Thursday, May 2 at 6 pm central. Please start working with your groups to designate an organizer. Payment for the groups will be required up front upon registering.
There will be seven 20’X30’ pole tents and two 30’X30’ pole tents. There will be a separate registration for these (link below). Due to an increase in the tent prices, there will be an increase in tent rental fees. The 20’X30’ tents will be $1000 plus $10 per group member. The 30’X30’s will be $1500 plus $10 per group member. These tents are first come first serve and are non-transferable and non-refundable. Registration for tent reservations is set to open on Thursday, April 25 at 7 pm Central. Tent registration counts as group registration. Any group renting a tent will NOT need to register on the group registration page. Just like Group Paddock, payment will be required up front.