“The location of the Tire Rack SCCA GLDIV ProSolo Series event has been listed on the SCCA web site as the Grissom Aeroplex near Peru, IN and when this was first published we indicated there was a chance the event might be able to be relocated to the traditional site at the Express Airport in Toledo, OH, although the chances of that seemed remote at the time. In recent weeks the chances of that relocation have improved, but a final determination cannot be concluded until May 10. By the close of business on Friday, May 10 we will announce the location of the event by posting it on the SCCA web site under “ProSolo”. Since registration for this event had been scheduled for May 1 and any potential change in location after that date would cause a LOT of confusion, we are delaying the opening of registration for the GLDIV ProSolo until Monday, May 13 to give everyone an opportunity to know the event location before registering.
We want to take this opportunity to thank the Indy Region for stepping up and volunteering to do this event, knowing it might be relocated. We also want to thank the Northwestern Ohio Region for their diligence in staying on top of determining site availability and their willingness to potentially host the event with only a few weeks of lead time. Whichever location is chosen, these two Regions have shown what is great about SCCA – the dedication to do what they can for the benefit of the members!”
- Howard Duncan