INDIANOLA, Iowa (Oct. 13, 2018) -- The 2018 DirtFish SCCA® RallyCross® National Championship is underway at the National Balloon Classic Memorial Balloon Field in Indianola, Iowa. Friday saw tech inspection followed by a delicious catered dinner and town hall meeting. It was the calm before a competitive, dirty storm -- which can be followed throughout the weekend at the SCCA® RallyCross Facebook page.
Under cloudy but dry skies, all classes lined up to have vehicles inspected for race preparedness. Afterwards, teams and SCCA RallyCross officials enjoyed a sit-down meal together while discussing potential changes to the RallyCross National Championship program, as well as RallyCross in general.
Prior to this weekend, the SCCA put out a 2019 RallyCross rules survey where participants could weigh in with thoughts and opinions regarding next year’s changes. The response has been immediate, but the more input the better. Keep an eye on email inboxes and please take a few minutes to complete the survey when it arrives.
If you’d like to have more involvement, consider stepping up to work on the RallyCross Board. Stephen Hyatt explained, “One RallyCross board seat is currently open and there will likely be more seats available in RallySprints and RallyTrials in 2019.” This is a chance to shape the sport you love into what you think it should be.
In an effort to shorten drive time to events, Division geographic changes were a topic. Because Divisions govern more than just RallyCross, it was shared that such a concept needs more analysis and input. As was explained in the Town Hall gathering, Regions regularly partner beyond Division borders to co-manage events, thus eliminating the need for realignment. When it comes to SCCA Regions or Divisions, borders are malleable -- thus allowing great things to happen for the Club as a whole.
UTVs were also discussed at length. The brisk sales UTVs are currently experiencing seem to make this a potential class that cannot be ignored. However, as with any new class, there are requirements that must be met before race trials begin. Stephen Hyatt explained that determining these requirements is not possible with the current manpower available in the RallyCross program. But those passionate about UTV competition should connect with the RallyCross Board to lend a hand when it comes to future UTV participation.
All these subjects and more will be discussed in January at the 2019 SCCA Convention in Las Vegas. Beyond a venue where your voice can be heard, the SCCA National Convention is an excellent opportunity to network and learn more about the sport you love. Mark your calendars now!