Designed to grow the Sports Car Club of America® at all levels, Track Night in America Driven by Tire Rack is now investing directly in regions thanks to the new Track Night Region Development Grant. Funded with $50,000 in 2018, SCCA regions began submitting grant requests in January.
Submissions were reviewed by a five-person committee made up of SCCA Board of Directors members and National Staff. Proposals were judged on both merit and need, with monies being offered to support any region development activity across the board.
Several innovative and interesting concepts received funding this year. We can’t wait to see how the various regions use the money. The 2018 grant recipients are as follows:
South Bend Region
Solo Registration Improvement and Improved Customer Interaction: Improving on-site registration process to allow for quicker check-ins, reduced workload, and more personalized customer interactions.
Central Pennsylvania Region
Going Wireless for Better Autocross Events: Defray costs of a T-Link wireless timing system, which will be purchased and put into use during the 2018 season. By upgrading the timing system, CPR will have safer, more efficient events and increased flexibility in course design.
South Bend Region
Region's First RallyCross Event: Hold a RallyCross with the help of Detroit Region at GingerMan Raceway in South Haven, MI. This would be the first time that GingerMan has allowed a RallyCross on their property.
Continental Divide/Colorado Region
Solo Timing & Scoring Upgrades: Purchase equipment and software modules necessary for the implementation of bar coding and Solo Live Timing at all 2018 Solo Summer Series events.
Mid-South Region
Pylon Replacement: Replace Region pylons with SCCA logo pylons to better showcase the organization.
Susquehanna Region
RallyCross Timing Upgrade: For the first few years, only a couple events were held in the Region and all with hand-me-down autocross equipment.
Arctic Alaska Region
RallyCross in the Last Frontier: Equipment suitable to establish and grow a RallyCross program in Alaska.
Neohio Region
Timing Equipment & Regional Race Support: To prepare for a return to Nelson Ledges, current equipment is dated or possibly does not even work anymore.
Houston Region
Houston Region Track Attack: Combining the precision of autocross with the speed of road racing, Track Attack will be a perfect balance that will entice competitors to put their talents to the test. Classes will make timed runs around a road course with gates placed off the racing line.
St. Louis Region
2018 United States RoadRally Challenge (USRRC): New automatic (pneumatic) timing lines for precise timing during the 2018 USRRC and future regional, divisional, and national RoadRally weekends hosted by the St. Louis Region. Also employ a veteran national team for the required official precheck of the four 2018 USRRC events.
Kentucky Region
Time Trials Regional: Region plans to host a Time Trials event on June 2 at NCM (National Corvette Museum) Track.
Milwaukee Region
RallyCross Program Startup: Revitalize a RallyCross program which was defunct sometime in the 1990s.
Utah Region
Utah Time Trial/Track Cross Build: Elevate the experience the Region offers our members by introducing multi-faceted event at Utah Motorsports Campus.
South Carolina Region
SCR/NCR Jr. Kart Program: An innovative, show-up-and-drive Jr. Kart program offered at SCR and NCR's largest Solo sites. A separate Jr. Kart course is set up a safe distance from paddock and the primary course. The karts and all safety equipment are provided by the Club.
Wichita Region
Women's Solo Initiative: Wichita Region will host a Solo event for women only. Held on a Saturday prior to a scheduled Sunday Points Event, this test-and-tune style event will introduce women to Solo in a safe and comfortable environment.
South Bend Region
Coursera Subscriptions: Coursera provides universal access to the world’s best education, partnering with top universities and organizations to offer courses online. The project is to provide two members of South Bend Region with a 12-month subscription to Coursera with a focus on classes related to strengthening Social Media, Website, and Data Analytics capabilities.
Eastern Tennessee Region
Cars and Coffee/Mini Autocross: In an effort to increase membership and participation in the Tri-Cities area of east TN, Region would like to host a Cars and Coffee event.
Indiana Northwest Region
Equipment Replacement and Implementation of New Programs: Replace loaner helmets, fund RallyCross and RoadRally programs. Provide new opportunities for membership by easing the pressure on limited cash flow.
New England Region
Hard Headed and Smart Thinking: Helmets in sizes small, medium, large and extra-large to allow for variation in drivers, as well as HANS devices.
Delta Region
Marketing & Advertising: Bring SCCA and Autocross into the light in New Orleans.
Colorado Region
Safety Equipment: Upgrade fire suits, helmets, medical gear and extrication equipment.
Kansas City Region
Track Night in America Support: In an attempt to continue Track Night growth, Region has created a working team to effectively promote and support these events to maximize exposure to all areas we support (Solo, RallyCross, Club Racing).
Oregon Region
Promotion and Sustainability: Banners and flags to be used at recruiting events such as Solo, trade shows. New radios, and cones for Solo.
Central Illinois Region
Increase Visibility and Awareness, and Equipment Upgrades: Present Region to the local community and create awareness to drive more memberships and higher participation.
Great River Region
Test Drive SCCA #FunWithCars: This program will provide up to 50 first-time autocrossers a free entry to the Great River Region’s Test & Tune event with novice instruction.
Kansas Region
RallyCross Startup: Start RallyCross program in 2018 with necessary equipment to hold an event.
Indianapolis Region
Indy SCCA Play to Pro Track Events Program: Develop online virtual racing experience that draws people from around the country to become part of the SCCA community and investigate “real” SCCA competition.