Registration is open for 2017 SCCA® Track Night in America® Driven by Tire Rack events! A schedule with specific dates for venues can be viewed at https://www.tracknightinamerica.com/events. The calendar is updated during the season, so be sure to check back for the latest updates.
Track Night in America is a non-competitive, no-stress, entertaining, easy and inexpensive way for nearly anyone who loves cars or motorsports to get on a real racecourse in their own vehicle during weeknights. All that is required is that participants be at least 18 years old with a valid driver’s license and have access to a helmet and street car in good working condition.
The standard price in 2017 will be $150 per event. However, some dates will be offered at a lower cost while others will be slightly more at premium tracks. No previous on-track experience or SCCA membership is required to join in the fun. Drivers participate in the Advanced, Intermediate or KONI Novice Experience group so on-track activities remain fun for all, and everyone gets three 20-minute sessions on course -- as well as feedback from SCCA driver coaches on site. Admission is free for people who just want to stop by and watch the fun, and leisurely circuit parade laps are provided for all Track Night in America guests.
With help from Tire Rack and Mazda, SCCA members who register in March for one of nearly 20 Track Night events planned around the U.S. during April can do so for the low, low price of $50. For only $100, new members signing up in March for April dates get an entry to Track Night in America AND a one-year membership to the SCCA. That’s a savings of over $120 and comes with a subscription to SportsCar® magazine, eligibility for all Club participation licenses, an SCCA car decal, insurance benefits, and discounts on Club merchandise and other products and services.
New this year, the SCCA® is expanding its Starting Line school to now include instruction at select Track Night in America® Driven by Tire Rack events. Track Night in America Starting Line is a performance driving school designed to get participants up to speed on car control techniques, track driving etiquette, and preparation for track events. The program focuses on the experience of having fun with cars and encourages drivers to evolve at their own pace.
At Track Night Starting Line, drivers have a professional instructor in the car with them to practice the foundations of performance driving in a controlled environment before hitting the track. Tom O’Gorman, Track Night Starting Line lead instructor and the 2016 Pirelli World Challenge TCB Class champion, said students can expect one-on-one instruction with a focus on acceleration, braking and cornering techniques applicable to track driving. There will be helpful “Chalk Talks" to discuss performance driving and car control, as well as track driving protocol and concepts. Starting Line instructors are then available to students for an entire Track Night in America Driven by Tire Rack event.
Track Night Starting Line is priced at $325 per entrant and includes coaching, SCCA membership, subscriptions to SportsCar and Grassroots Motorsports magazines, and entry to a Track Night in America Driven by Tire Rack event. An up-to-date calendar can be viewed at the Track Night Starting Line webpage.
More information about SCCA Track Night in America Driven by Tire Rack can be found at www.TrackNightInAmerica.com. Additional press releases can be found at the Track Night in America press page; and FAQ, logo and photos located online at the Track Night in America media kit.