SCCA RoadRally® enjoyed a banner year, with more than a 25% increase in entries from 2015.
“(This) is the largest year over year increase in rally participation that I can remember in all my years of rallying,” said Rich Bireta, SCCA RoadRally Board Chair.
With 128 events – an increase of five from 2015 to 2016 – most of the 2,000 entries came from more participation in existing rallies and the seven regions who hosted RoadRally events for the first time.
SCCA Regions that showed significant growth in their existing programs include: New England, Finger Lakes, Milwaukee, Northern New Jersey, Philadelphia, Chicago, and the Glen.
Regions that held events in 2016 for the first time in recent history include: Allegheny Highlands, Continental Divide, San Francisco, Oregon, Des Moines Valley, Western Ohio and Oklahoma.
Twenty-eight percent of SCCA Regions have RoadRally programs, with 33 of the 115 SCCA Regions hosting events – two more than in 2015.