Click Here for the full 2016 Heritage Classic Rules
Rationale: The purpose of Heritage Classic (HC) is to enable enthusiasts of sports cars, coupes, and sedans from the early years of the SCCA to participate at SCCA Solo events with cars of similar technology. This participation can range from those just wanting to drive these cars in a competition setting, to those wanting to drive their classic car aggressively for a trophy position. The core objective is to provide a fun experience at the local level for Heritage Classic car enthusiasts through SCCA Regions offering this opportunity using a common set of rules.
Background: These cars from the 1940's through the early 1970's are an important part of the history of not only the SCCA, but of the American automotive scene and are worthy of being a part of the SCCA today so this history is not forgotten. The Heritage Classic category is intended to encourage the use and enjoyment of these cars by their owners and other event attendees.
Eligible Vehicles: Vehicle must be from model year 1974 or older and not produced by a United States based manufacturer. Models newer than 1974, but of the same generation as the 1974 model, are allowed. EXAMPLE: a 1978 MGB would be eligible. Vehicle must pass the mandatory safety inspection (tech) and be in compliance with Section 3, of the current SCCA® National Solo® Rules.
Classes: There are two classes; Heritage Classic Street (HCS) and Heritage Classic Race (HCR). HCS is for street legal vehicles competing on street tires with common enthusiast modifications. HCR is for race prepared vehicles competing on any tires with modifications similar to those common "back in the day". Additional safety requirements will apply to HCR.

Local Region Options: The classes above and the rules that follow are offered for Regions to use as shown OR Regions may modify them to suit their local needs. This includes the number of classes, vehicles included/excluded, and/or specific allowances/restrictions contained in the rules. The core objective is described in the "Rationale" above, but specifics may be adjusted to fit the needs of the local participants so they can have fun with their Heritage cars.