Photo Credit: Andy Seipos
Hi, Everyone!
As you may or may not have heard the Blytheville ProSolo has been reschedule for the weekend of May 1-3 (http://www.scca.com/news/index.cfm?cid=52313). We understand some may not be able to attend that weekend while some are probably happy to have potential warmer/better weather. Here is how we are going to handle the rescheduling registration wise. I am changing the dates on the registration page so if you plan to attend nothing has to be done on your side of things. You are in and we will see you there. If you signed up and it wasn't part of the ProSolo bundle we can either cancel your registration or give you a credit towards another ProSolo in 2015. However, if this is what you wish to do you will need to send me an email confirmation letting me know you would like to cancel and if you would like a refund or a credit. If you signed up for Blytheville in the ProSolo bundle and can't make this event we will let you transfer to another event one time. However, for this you will need to let me know by end of the work day Friday March 20 of which event you would like to transfer to.
Again if you plan to attend nothing is required on your side. If you would like to cancel let me know. If you would like to transfer from the bundle let me know by March 20th.
Thanks and see you out there!
Brian Harmer