#TBT The 1977 U.S. Grand Prix

The following was first published in the January, 1977 Edition of SportsCar Magazine:

Illustrations by Jack Lane

Text by Paul Lane

Collaborating to blend the creative efforts of two people into a satisfactory product is difficult, even when you lock them into the same room and let them hammer at it until the product emerges. Yet Dan Broun wanted the two of us to put together our impressions of the United States Grand Prix, Jack in pictures, I in words.

The only time we’d meet on the project was to gather our material and plan our strategy at Watkins Glen. It was a though challenge to both of us. We didn’t even have the benefit of knowing each other, up to that time, despite the same last name and growing up only a few miles from each other on Long Island. Therefore, we didn’t know if we were creatively capable of communicating between us. A race weekend of miserable weather added to the difficulty.

After the Grand Prix I spent a few long evenings preparing about a dozen photos I had taken and adding the captions. Then I passed the pressure on to Jack, who had the really hard job. With speed and skill, he took apart the photos and interpreted them in his drawings with a very tight deadline. In the best “we’ve just got to get this in” tradition of editors and publishers, Dan had a few other pictures to work in later, which added to our crisis. But he knew what he wanted out of us and we got the job done.

It was fun, as cracking tough problems always is.