In response to the incident that took place at the end of the American Sedan race during the 2016 National Championship Runoffs, the SCCA Board of Directors voted unanimously to suspend indefinitely the membership of Tom Sloe, driver of car No. 156 in the American Sedan class.
In accordance with SCCA Bylaw Article II Section 4.d, “The Board of Directors or the governing body of a Regular Member's Region may suspend a Member at any time for infraction of any Club rule or any other cause if the suspending body deems the action in the best interests of the Club.
“The suspending body shall immediately notify a Member who has been suspended, in writing, of the suspension,” Article II Section 4.d states. “The suspended Member shall then be entitled to a reasonable opportunity to be heard, in person or through a representative, by the Board of Directors or a committee appointed by it. The Board of Directors may thereafter continue for a definite term, terminate, or rescind the suspension, or expel the Member, and its decision shall be final. In addition, if the Board of Directors is the original suspending body, and a hearing is held prior to any action, then the Board of Directors may suspend for a definite term or expel the Member without affording a second opportunity to be heard.”
Per the SCCA Bylaw, Sloe can request a hearing on the suspension. If that occurs, the club’s Board of Directors will select a hearing board to address the matter. If a hearing takes place, findings will be published in a future edition of SCCA Fastrack News.