The Tire Rack SCCA Starting Line School gives automotive enthusiasts a professional, all-inclusive entry into the world of performance driving. The full-day school introduces key concepts applicable to all forms of motorsports and allows you to develop skills while working with professional performance driving instructors certified by the Evolution Performance Driving School. If you are looking for motorsports competition or just a great way to enjoy the capabilities of your car, the Tire Rack SCCA Starting Line is your complete motorsports starter kit.
Open parking lots are where Tire Rack SCCA Starting Line School events are held; and orange traffic cones define the “track.” There is no wheel-to-wheel peril here, just you perfecting performance driving techniques. The Starting Line School is also a great refresher for those who want to brush up on their skills or get the hot tips from our seasoned instruction team.
Upcoming dates include:
February 20, 2016 - Darlington Raceway
February 27, 2016 - NOLA Motorsports Park
March 05, 2016 – Houston Police Academy
The Tire Rack SCCA Starting Line School is a lot of fun, and the experience includes registration for an SCCA Regional autocross event the following day. But be warned, these schools usually make only one visit to a region each year -- and the program fills up QUICK! So reserve your spot today.