TOPEKA, Kan. (May 26, 2010) SCCA is seeking nominations for the 2010 Club Racing Workers of the Year, an honor that annually recognizes the contributions and efforts of individuals who volunteer time and services to SCCA Club Racing. The winners will be announced in September at the SCCA National Championship Runoffs® at Road America, in Elkhart Lake, Wis. Winners are selected from a pool of nominations made by their peers, so submitting nominations is critical to the process. Workers are SCCAs most valuable asset, SCCA VP of Club Racing Terry Ozment said. Without them, we would not have the means to conduct the SCCA events that we do. The Worker of the Year program is designed to honor these significant contributions to Club Racing, which is why its so important to nominate the best workers that you know and work with. Winners in 10 specialties (Emergency Services, Grid and Pit, Timing and Scoring, Scrutineering, Race Administration, Sound, Flagging & Communications, Registration, Stewarding and Starter) will be announced at the Worker Recognition Celebration, Thursday, Sept. 23 at Road America. Winners each receive a jacket, plaque, patch and SCCA Merchandise gift certificate. One winner will be drawn to receive a lifetime membership. Anyone can nominate their favorite worker for one of the 10 awards. Nominations should include the individuals name and specialty along with a brief explanation of why their efforts in 2010 have been exemplary. To nominate someone, just send an email to woy@scca.com.