TOPEKA, Kan. (Nov. 12, 2010) – The SCCA RallyCross National Championship has found a new location, relocating to the grounds of I-80 Speedway in Greenwood, Neb., for the October 7-9, 2011 event. The RallyCross National Championship will be hosted by the Nebraska Region, and joins the SCCA Tire Rack Solo National Championship, in Lincoln, Neb., as Sports Car Club of America National Championship events in the Cornhusker State. The I-80 Speedway site will utilize more than 20 acres of a hard-packed grass parking lot, part of which has been used for the parking of construction equipment. The result is a solid surface that does not deteriorate over the course of the event like the traditional Nebraska farm soil. “I-80 Speedway is proud to host the 2011 SCCA RallyCross National Championships,” Donnie Jones, I-80 Speedway Track Manager, said. “It will be good to see the more than 20 acres of hard-pack grass parking being put to use to bring another grassroots motorsports competition to the I-80 Speedway complex.” The event moves to Nebraska following two years in Colorado Springs, Colo. Among the planned improvements for the 2011 event include upgraded timing and scoring capabilities, including new timers and software, improved displays, and live web results. The Nebraska Region has hosted several local events at the site in the past and plans at least six Rallycross events through the season to work out potential operational challenges and to allow competitors a handful of events to get a feel for the facility prior to the National Championship event. “It has been a great experience being in Colorado for the past two years,” SCCA VP, Rally, Solo and Program Development Howard Duncan said. “We are looking forward to building on that success and the things we have learned to move the RallyCross National Championship to the next level of event efficiency and enjoyment for the competitors. We are hopeful that the event being in the middle of the country will provide an opportunity for representation from a record number of states.” The 2011 RallyCross National Challenge season begins gets underway with the Eastern States Championship at Stafford (Conn.) Speedway, January 15-16. More information can be found at www.scca.com/rally.