TOPEKA, Kan. (April 12, 2011) - Due to the recent sale of the land comprising the overflow parking area at I-80 Speedway in Greenwood, Neb., the SCCA has begun searching for a new site to host the 2011 RallyCross National Championship. Various locations in Nebraska have been examined, but none have the size or compacted soil resistant to rutting like the I-80 Speedway site, or the availability to run the event on or near the October 7-9 weekend originally scheduled. When the search for a suitable alternate site in Nebraska commenced, the National Staff and the RallyCross Board also began inquiring about other sites in the middle part of the country. Among the criteria for suitability of the site is space and availability for the more than 100 cars expected to attend the event, which includes a surface resistant to rutting and adequate space for championship-caliber courses and room for a paddock and grid, and hotels and restaurants within a reasonable distance. The SCCA plans to announce the new location for the 2011 RallyCross National Championship by May 1. When a new site is determined, it will be posted on www.scca.com.