FOUNTAIN, Colo. The U.S. Truck Driving School was site of the latest round of the Central States RallyCross Championship, hosted by the Colorado Region, August 11-12. A diverse group of drivers and some extreme weather conditions were all on hand for Augusts lone RallyCross National Series event.After battling intense heat on the first day of competition, RallyCrossers thought they were in for some relief with several night runs scheduled for Saturday evening. Organizers and competitors got quite a surprise, however, when a thunderstorm of biblical proportions brought gale force winds, a deluge of rain and even some hail to the area, postponing several groups night runs until the next morning. The largest class in Colorado, Modified Four-Wheel also proved to be the most exciting, as Max Johnson and Eric Genack had a close match with their Subaru Imprezas. As the times were tallied at the conclusion of day two, Johnson had edged Genack by 0.943-second. Modified Two-Wheel was also brimming with entries. Sharing an Isuzu I-Mark, brothers Chad and Cole Ones were the class of the field, finishing one-two, respectively.Mark Anton won the Prepared Front-Wheel Drive class handily in his Nissan Sentra, with a total time 33.455 seconds faster than second place Chad Jennings in a Nissan SE-R. Meanwhile, in Prepared All-Wheel Drive, Karl Sealander proved you dont need a Subaru to win an all-wheel drive class, by putting his Mazda 323 GTX in the top spot. Sealander had more than 15 seconds on the Subaru Impreza of Scott McCarty.It was a Subaru that won Stock All-Wheel Drive, however. The STi of Michael Bond topped Sebastian Santiestebans Impreza by nearly 25 seconds.John Black was untouchable in Stock Front-Wheel Drive, where he wheeled his Dodge Neon to a victory margin of more than a minute over the Neon of Jeff Parker.The St. Louis Region will play host to the next RallyCross National Series event at Gateway International, September 8th.