Vitour Contingency Update: Now Accepting Registrations & Post-Event Submissions!
As previously shared, we’ve recently secured Vitour as a 2025 contingency partner. We’ve now successfully updated the website to accept registrations for their contingency programs as well as the ability for you to submit your payout claims after the events!
To register for Vitour’s contingency program, head on over to your Member Account Portal and select “My Contingency” under the “My Account” tab. Click the Register button in the top right of the Registrations table and fill in the required fields. Vitour will only show as an option if it is available for your selected class.
Note that if your base class is indexed at a ProSolo or if you run up a class for a Shootout (ex: FS -> SST or CAMC), you’ll also want to complete the registration for that indexed or higher class too.
Post-event, you’ll head back to the same page to submit your payout claim. Head back to that same Registrations table and hit the “Make Claim” on the appropriate partner. (Be sure to take a second to make sure you’re picking the right program to help minimize delays or back and forth about your payout!) Fill out the required fields, upload your photos and any other documents required by the program and hit save. Your payout claim and it’s status will then be available in the Claims table below.
Special SHOOTOUT note: If you’re running the autocross-only events (St. Louis, Grissom, Lincoln Invitational), register and submit claims under the SOLO Category. If you’re running the autocross + time attack events (Las Vegas, NCM, Pocono), register and submit claims under the EXPERIENTIAL category.
To review available contingency programs, head to the Solo Contingency page. If you have any Contingency questions, email Brandy Wiggans.