SCCA RallyCross Support and Structure
In a restructuring of the SCCA RallyCross program, longtime SCCA Staff member Rick Myers will assume the role of Director of Rally/Solo, expanding his duties as the Club’s Solo program lead to include the RallyCross program. Among his many duties during his 16 years as a member of the SCCA Staff, Myers has worked as part of the Club’s Region development department, as well as being part of various program readjustments within the Solo department.
“Given his experience with Region development and the competition side of the Club, Rick is a fantastic fit for this role within the RallyCross department,” said Heyward Wagner, SCCA’s Senior Director of Rally/Solo and Experiential Programs. “Rick’s ability to supply Regions with the tools they need to develop successful programs will greatly benefit the RallyCross community and help grow this fantastically unique sport and its enthusiastic participants.”
The SCCA National Office will soon expand the Rally/Solo department to include additional staffing support.
In a step to simplify and align the offerings under the SCCA RallyCross umbrella, the SCCA Board of Directors has temporarily halted the RallySprint program. Different from RallyCross, RallySprint has been divided into three separate competition offerings, dubbed RallySprint 1, 2, and 3. SCCA’s RallyCross staff will be working with the RallyCross Board and the SCCA Board of Directors to develop a single RallySprint ruleset that most resembles that of RallySprint 3. Once the new RallySprint ruleset has been developed and approved, the RallySprint program will resume.
Events sanctioned under the “RallyCross” name will continue to operate without any disruption.